The Immortals after Dark Series
Source The Immortals after Dark Series follows creatures of “The Lore”- the name of the world where hundreds of immortal creatures exist alongside of humans. There are Vampires, Lykae (THEY ARE SCOTTISH YOU GUYS- think of them like Jamie Fraser who occasionally turns into a wolf), Witches, Fae, Demons, Valkyerie and Shifters. Basically you’ve heard of it or its been imagined, it shows up in this series. Some of the creatures get along while others are enemies. Some work together while others are constantly warring. Every five hundred years, a battle for supremacy called the Accession rages. The Accession is now and each book gets us closer and closer to an epic battle between creatures. Sound a little heavy? It’s not. Most creatures have a soulmate who they would protect at any cost. Vampires have Brides, Lykae have mates, and once they identify their bride/mate/”the one,” they will do anything (AND I MEAN ANYTHING) to “claim” them. Of course by “Claim” I mean SEX. Lots of it.
So…. what do I think?
There are 15 books (the 15th isn’t out yet) in The Immortals after Dark Series so far and I’m up to book 12. So I’m basically an expert. Although it turns out I accidentally started with book #2 (Hey note to book publishers/book marketers: For a SERIES, make it OBVIOUS what books go in what order) and so I’ve completed ten books. It might be because I didn’t start at the beginning, but while I really loved the second book (A Hunger like No other) I thought it felt a little “rapey.” The main character is a Lykae who almost forces himself on his virginal bride (but he doesn’t in the end…) This book is probably the most “rapey” (ugh) of the books, BUT as I’ve gone on, I’ve realized I’m kinda looking at these books as a human with human relationships and well…. these characters are anything BUT that. These immortal creatures have a pull so strong it can’t be ignored to “claim” their mates. The females want to and need to be claimed as much as the males do. So what kinda gave me a weird “kinda rapey” feeling in my first read now just feels like….an immortal fantasy book.
Here’s the basic premise of each book:
There is a strong male character. He is H-O-T. He’s a protector. He’s a warrior. He always falls for the ladies first. He will do anything to win the heart of his females. Let’s just say: I’m a pretty strong-willed female myself & am not exactly all for the man being dominant over me in real life, but in fantasy? Okay. I’m okay with it. But let’s not discount the women. Because they are strong & confident and can take care of themselves. To be honest most of them (not all) were okay before the guys came along. And some of them are super badass. There is, of course, always some reason the would-be-mates are withholding from each other. And they try to resist each other. So it might start with sex without touching. Then there might be rubbing without sex. Then there is everything BUT sex. And finally there is always, always always lots-of-sex. The stories are always happy. Maybe not in the beginning (And the tales have gotten darker with each book) or in the middle, but the endings are always happy. So we have: Strong, hot males + beautiful women+ sex + happy ending. What’s not to love? Am I justified in my month-long smutfest yet? I’ve told you how I hate ratings scales. And it’s impossible to rate these books against.. I dunno, books I’m not embarrassed to put on my Goodreads shelf! But… let’s just say I’ve devoured about 1 every 2 days for the past month+ so…… rate them how you will. I guess I kinda love them. Phew. I feel better now. Confessional over. Have you ever had a month-long smut fest? Oh by the way I’ve also read Kresley Cole’s “The Professional Parts 1-3” in the same timeframe…. sigh….. what are we going to do with me?