Since Valentine’s Day is almost upon us… I’m going back to my old-school High School days to highlight my top teenage Man Candy for this special post, dedicated to the last time I actually cared whether I had a Valentine or not (oh to be young and idealistic again)!!! But for the record, if any of these guys wanted to be my Valentine this year, I’m still available… 😉
C’mon, how could you not love a face like that, bleached tips and his cute “Southern” ish accent? Not to mention the kid had moves for days, played the guitar, could serenade rabid monkeys into a sweet haze and he played basketball. Mmm, Mmm… perfection!
JOSH HARTNETT (circa 2001)
I’ve never loved a movie about the mass bombing of people more than this one. I know, I know… that’s so wrong, but SO right! How could you not love a face like this and that sexy scene in the parachute hangar… Yep, I’m drooling again like a teenager.
LEONARDO DiCAPRIO (circa 1996)
Just admit it, you’ve never been more jealous of being fake poisoned to death and kissed than when Claire Danes got the honor! And no blonde haired, blue eyes, gun toting teenager has ever looked better in a suit of armor. Oh that I were a glove upon that hand so that I can touch that beautifully symmetrical face of perfection!
Anyone else care to share their teenage crushes in honor of Valentine’s Day?!
Written by Claire
Claire likes kilts, whips, chains & ripped jeans. Or at least that’s what she wants you to believe….!