This is your friendly afternoon reminder that our most SPECIALEST TN BOOZY BOOK CLUB EVA is happening tomorrow night, Tuesday February 25th, at 9 pm ET (Note this is 1 hour earlier than we usually chat. Which means we might be 1 hour soberer*). If you haven’t heard by now, book club is extra special this time because author Robin York (who wrote our main pick for February Deeper) is joining us.
Things to Look forward to during Book Club:
- Bekah & Beth’s inevitable glasses of *shocker* Pinto Noir
- Us calling Robin York by the wrong name (she has, like, 1,000 names)
- Bekah fangirling A LOT over Deeper
- Someone remembering we were also supposed to read Forever by Judy Blume.
- Us spoiling The Siren for you if you didn’t finish it (FINISH IT)
- Bekah trying not to tell you her fan fiction-esque “I hope this is how their story ends” version of Deeper part 2. And failing.
- Inevitable jokes about Deeper, Harder, Faster (<— the name of the 3rd West & Caroline story we hope Robin is writing)
Do I need to keep going? What we’re saying is, it’s going to be awesome. So hope you can join us in our virtual chat! We’ll be tweeting out the link a few minutes before 9 pm ET. You can also check here at TN and on our Facebook Page.
We’d love nothing more than to do a big google hangout with hundreds of you, but since that’s not possible, we want you to participate virtually. So make sure you tweet questions/thoughts/what you’re drinking using the hashtag #TNBookClub. See you there!
*haha just kidding.