Hey look, they made a movie about my life circa 2006-2008 complete with all star cast of Elizabeth Banks (man, my on screen alter ego looks good and… blonde) and James Marsden. All that’s missing are the bunions from the high heels, the leering looks and the smell of tears in the ladies bathroom. Memories! Sign me up!
Walk of Shame Trailer
Walk of Shame is in theaters and VOD on April 25th. Aka this is two months notice for you to plan a ladies night with your gals in which you go to happy hour and down about 4 Mucho Margaritas, a whole basket of tortilla chips, stumble next door to the Arclight and then hoot and holler and yell semi-obscene things about James Marsden in Second Noah.
Second Noah anyone? ANYONE???
**This title makes me sound like a sloot. I am not. Usually.