Sometimes gifts aren’t tangible, sometimes they are, sometimes they come in the form of a video or GIF or quote. Check out our favorite “gifts” from the internet in 2013.
From Claire:
The world got to know Thrusting Theo
Thanks Monsoon Nights!
From Lorena:
Snake hips was my favorite fabulous gift of 2013. Tom is really the gift that keeps on giving…year after year after year!
From Jamie W:
Catching Fire. Because it was a good movie and not just a good book-to-movie adaptation. And because Peeta Mellark. And because it got everything right. And also, Peeta.
From Beth:
The best casting news ever for Outlander on Starz. Because seriously, they are all completely and totally perfect, and it makes me want to simultaneously weep onto and hug Ron Moore.
From Carrie Jo:
News that Stephenie Meyer is writing a new Twilight book (Ok, that’s a gift I WISH I’d gotten.) Seriously, though:
Because who doesn’t like realizing that Oscar winners are human, too?
From Jamie:
These Henry Cavill Superman workout Gifs are the Gift that keeps GIFing [<– see what I did there?]
From Katy:
Orange is the New Black gave us a smorgasbord of compelling, atypically stunning women to add to the Olivia Pope, Hannah Horvath and Lesley Knope universe.
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot about this guy:
JK! I could NEVER forget about you, you lovely bastard!!
From Nikki:
Season Three of Game of Thrones. Oh ef did it hurt. ALL OF IT. Specifically the Red Wedding episode and the total fallout after. Oh man I’ve already got my seatbelt on and popcorn ready for the fourth season of Game of Thrones. Who’s with me?
This season also gave us this GIF set and the phrase “the Lord’s Kiss.” Heeeeeeyyyyy brown chicken brown coooowww
No, Jamie, THIS is the GIF that keeps on GIFing.
What was the best “gift” you received in 2013?