“Mom, L, we have to go,” she insisted. “How often do you get the chance to see the actor who plays one of your biggest TV crushes of all time in person? I could be in the same room with Matthew Crawley!”
There was a little more debating, but the mom (who does not like period pieces and fell asleep during the production) and the girl’s sister gave in. The mom, as evidenced by her slumber, did not enjoy the show. L enjoyed it quite a lot. The young girl was mesmerized–at first by only being feet away from Matthew Crawley (ok, Dan Stevens playing Morris Townsend), and then by the incredible performance given by Jessica Chastain, who completely stole the show.
She left New York enchanted by her visit and star-struck by the actors she had seen in person.
And then the season 3 finale of Downton aired, and L called the young girl to say “I bet you wish you hadn’t be able to see Dan Stevens on Broadway now!”
Why, Julian Fellows, WHY?!?
As the season 3 finale wrapped up last year, I thought to myself: This is all too happy and tidy. Something bad is about to happen.
Cue Matthew driving down the road, all blissed out over the birth of his son.
I turned to my husband and said “If they kill him off, I might have to fly to England and stab the writers.” Cue car crash.
I got on the computer that night, thinking that I might–for the second time in my life and the only time as an adult–write an angry email to the writers of a television show, since I didn’t really want to go to jail for assaulting someone. And there I saw that it was Dan Stevens who had wanted to leave, not Julian Fellows who wanted to kill him off.
So I had to forgive Mr. Fellows.
Why, Dan Stevens, WHY?!?
Let me explain something to you that you should already know, Mr. Stevens: You may get other acting jobs, but it’s likely that you will forevermore be known as Matthew Crawley. It’s rare that someone leaves a successful TV show on which they had an iconic role and gets other, better paying/higher profile/more critically or popularly accepted roles. Yes, Downton was undoubtedly a lot of work, but you had a guaranteed paycheck and large audience. As an actor, you may never have either again.
And I know I’m not the first to say it, but how could you do that to England on Christmas? It’s horrible.
So, What Comes Next for Downton?
Critics and viewers alike are worried that Matthew’s death signaled the start of a slow demise for Downton. Since news broke that ITV has renewed the show for series 5, British viewers don’t seem to believe that we need to order the show its casket yet. But are you worried that the show just won’t be as good without Matthew? Because I am.
Before season 4 begins and I begin episode recaps, I wanted to say a proper good-bye to Matthew. So here’s a fantastic fan-made video: (You may want a tissue handy while you watch it!)
How do you think Downton Abeey will fare without Matthew Crawley? Are you watching on Sunday night?