Welcome to Christmas week! Ya know, the week we usually make our resident Jewmas celebrator (Jamie) take over since that’s what she gets for getting 8 days of presents earlier in the month and leaving us to only 1 day of presents (plus Christmas trees, Santa, non-awkward feelings when store clerks wish us a Merry Christmas, egg nog, cookies, chocolate and, ya know, the virgin birth but whatever). This year since we have a team of fabulous contributors we are working on some fun posts to end the year & ring in the new year, but for the next few days we’ll be fairly quiet. Not GONE, mind you, just quieter. And maybe just maybe we’re clearing out our drafts of random posts we never actually intended to post…. Merry Christmas if that’s what you celebrate! Enjoy your Chinese food if you’re Jewish. And if you celebrate one of the other Holidays, I’m not sure how to wish you a happy holiday since I completely forget what those holidays even mean. I hope you can eat a santa-shaped cookie or two though.
A few weeks ago my husband and I were visiting his family & were in the car with his sister who has been reading regency romance since she was in 4th or 5th grade. While her friends learned about sex in the lunchroom, she learned about it from romance books I’m not sure my mother-in-law knew she was reading. She was thrilled about my recent discovering of Regency Romance & sent me home with a list of books I was to start immediately.We thought my husband had totally zoned us out, but when our conversation turned to Outlander (as it always does #thatsnormal) he asked for more details about Claire’s first husband, Frank. Then he surprised us both by saying that he thinks every one should be able to take a lover while time traveling. Ya know, like Claire did with Jamie. I agreed. So the next logical question was: To what time period would you time travel to take a lover? Here are a few of my favorites:
1800 Regency Era England
Of course I’d have to be wealthy and not a spinster, but I believe I’d love this period because of the Mr. Darcys and Mr. Every-male-character-in-Sarah-MacLean’s books. I want a Duke or an Earl or, hell, I’d even try my hand at reforming a Rake.
There’s just something about this time period that makes me think that as a strong-willed woman I might have flourished with the right man– right man in a open necked shirt and tight pair of pants, that is. Who was also rich.
1740s Scotland
Must I really tell you why? Okay fine, I will..
Look up “Jamie Fraser” and you have all the reasons why I’d go back to the 1740s in Scotland. And maybe I’d even go back a few years prior to experience a bit more of the Highlander clans. As wild and vicious as they could be, the men seemed to be committed to their women and families and would do anything to protect them- a pretty sexy quality in a lover.
The Roaring Twenties
This might be my favorite era to imagine taking a lover in. I love SO much about the twenties (the wealthy, non-depression part of the twenties. I can be picky in my fantasies) from the clothing, to the Speakeasies to Leonardo DiCaprio in the Great Gatsby:
There’s something so romantic about this time in history. I know that it was one of the more difficult times in recent history, but so much in America happened during that time, and I can imagine having an amazing love affair despite the chaos outside the bedroom walls would have been quite incredible. Plus I’m really really good at drinking gin martinis.
Okay your turn! If you could time travel to take a lover, to which time period would you go?