Okay. So last time we were here, we shared with you some guys we are particularly thankful for. We realize that some of them weren’t the typical ZOMG HAWT GUY type post we all love, but that’s kind of the point. We Google a LOT of guys, and some of them are because they are pretty, and some of them are because they have schmexy brains and some of them have both.
Pix totally cheated with Chris Hemsworth, we’re sure his brain is pretty too, but it’s not why she chose him. (Spoiler: Biceps)
“Ward: I don’t think Thor is Technically a god.
Hill: You haven’t been near his arms.”
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episode 1
I suppose it’s inevitable that there was a cry of “WTF Pix and NM, where is Tom Hiddleston in your list of gratitude??”
Because Duh…really, what were we thinking..
You do that Tom, go do your thing.
Seriously, it’s not possible for a human being to be this adorable.
. I can totally get behind delayed gratification if it meant getting Tom in the end.
. Of course, we’ll be impressed, you juggle dorkily with THAT face.
We love how he’s all ready to just get up and dance on Josh’s bed, before he even clarifies..
Dear Tom, Please to have a sleepover at our house, you can dance on our bed all you want. Love, Everyone.
(Psst..NM, Pix here, remind me to Google Josh. Because I love him)
Especially if this is the dance he does.
Here’s the whole video, watch, it’s the most adorkable thing we’ve ever seen in our lives.
The final thing that needs to be said about Tom Hiddleston is what a phenomenal actor the man is. It’s unfortunate that Loki tends to overshadow all the other amazing work he’s done, but it also makes Loki the perfect example. Between the first Thor movie and Marvel’s The Avengers, it became very clear that he had captured the hearts of moviegoers as Loki, to the point that what fans were really looking forward to in Thor: The Dark World was more Loki.
Tom is such a brilliant actor that he’s brought Loki into the real world. Loki is manipulative, fostering confusion everywhere he goes. His morals are gray. He makes us feel for him as a misunderstood, broken child, when he’s actually fully aware of every choice, every place along his plan. He uses the emotions of those he meets to sow his seeds of chaos. And the magic thing is, it works on us mortals in the real world as well as it works on the characters in the movies. We love Loki more than the hero. Maybe it has something to do with all the different emotions he can portray in just a few seconds, making us feel them too.
This pretty much sums up why the only thing we want for Christmas is Tom Hiddleston.
Read ALLLLLL Of Our Tom Hiddleston Coverage Here >>