Everyone has those shows. You know, the shows where you’re not sure how you got sucked in or why you didn’t jump ship when the show jumped the shark. Or the show you’re embarrassed to tell people you watch, because you hate it as much as you love it.
I have a long list of them, starting with some of my favorite TV couples from my childhood. Currently, I have two. One started out fantastic and has slowly dissolved as the seasons have gone along. The other was ridiculous from the beginning.
The reasons I’m still watching this show:
- Emily Thorne a.k.a. Amanda Clark a.k.a Emily Van Camp’s wardrobe and hairstyles. I don’t have the time/money/inclination to dress like a Manhattan socialite, but I still covet her clothes.
. - Nolan – By far, the writers give Gabriel Mann the best lines. Along with coveting Emily’s clothes, I want Nolan for a best friend.
. - I’ve come this far. I have to see how the show ends. I’m not usually very similar to Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, but this was one time he got it right:
The reasons this show has gotten ridiculous:
- There is no way on God’s green earth that Emily/Amanda could have managed to outwit all these smart, wealthy, paranoid people for this long.
. - She’s told close to a dozen people who she is by this point. Most people don’t keep secrets. Most people tell them.
. - The writers need an end date. This show would be a lot better if the writers weren’t trying to balance so many plot lines and side stories. Between the Americon Initiative, Emily’s mother popping up only to disappear again, and now firstborn children/ex-girlfriends conveniently reappearing , there’s too much going on. Or at least too many side plots that don’t make any sense and don’t seem important to the story.
source - In the first season, I believed that. But what Emanda is capable of has gotten just a little far-fetched. Even in TV Land.
Hart of Dixie
I knew this show was going to be absurd before I even turned it on. But since it looked like a version of Dawson’s Creek–with characters in their 30’s targeted to those of us in our 30’s who used to love the Creek–I knew I was going to love it anyway.
The reasons this show is ridiculous:
- Have you EVER met a doctor this ditzy?
. - No where (outside of Hollywood Studios or NYC modelling companies) are there this many beautiful 20/30-somethings all in one place. Especially not in a tiny Alabama town. You’d be much more likely to find this guy:
And even he might be one of the more attractive guys in residence.
. - I think there have been more break-ups and couple rearrangements on this show in three seasons than there have been on Wife Swap.
Reasons I’m Still Watching:
- The boys:
source - Lines like this one, delivered by a cute boy:
. - The idea that there are other people–even fictional ones–who have hit their 30’s and haven’t figured out their whole lives yet.
. - Who will Zoe end up with?Wade? (My preference)
George? (Not my 1st choice, but I’d be happy with it)
Someone Else? (No, No, NO!!!)
Yeah… just no.
So, what about you? Can you think of other reasons to watch/skip these shows? What are your favorite guilty pleasure TV shows?