Urban Decay’s naked palettes have been a staple in my makeup kit for the last few years. A few weeks ago they announced that Naked 3 was going to be released for Christmas and makeup connoisseurs everywhere lost their freakin’ minds. Urban Decay Naked 3 was released on Monday online but will be in stores TODAY December 12th. They are expected to sell out in 24 hours in most stores, but you can already buy them online. I was at Ulta yesterday for 30 minutes and I heard 5 different people ask if they were in yet so get yours today if you can!
While purchasing one for each of my sisters and my mom I wished I had someone in my life like me, who would buy me such a fabulous gift. This is most definitely the gift to give any woman in your life! If you don’t want to fight and claw other men and women for one you can order one on Ulta or Sephora’s websites or basically anywhere else Urban Decay is sold. Urban Decay also released Vice 2 this year for the holiday season. This Palette is a little brighter than the Naked palettes so if you know a sparkly type of girl or you are one grab a Vice 2 as well because it’s a great deal too.
Get a Naked Palette before it’s gone! Or check out the Vice 2