Hey, I don’t know if you know this about me but I’m a mega Benedict Cumberbatch fan, like, go to the filming location of Sherlock (while NOT filming) and drag two guys friends with you, kind of fan. I haven’t started Letters To Ben or really even know that much about him but I’m real smitten.
I was fine with being excited about Sherlock FINALLY being back in January (40 days, but who’s counting?) when the BBC made every Sherlock fans day by releasing this teaser trailer
I was fine with just sitting back and listening to him say the word “dick” while refering to JJ Abrams as a “dickhead” for that whole “is he playing Khan, is he not?” (obvi, he’s playing Khan! – everyone) bullshit they pulled around the release of Star Trek Into Darkness. Listen to the interview and Ben say the word “dickhead” here! When is the DVD coming out?!
I was fine with him looking like a hot piece, tempting me on that motorcycle in all the August Osage County promo shots even. Fine, straddle a vintage motorcycle with your leather clad arms and curly hairs flopping in the breeze while looking super determined. Whatever, I am fine.
And I found this lil photobooth strip of him and Juliette Lewis from August Osage County promo and thought “ef her man, clearly he’s pointing to ME in that second image, so soak it up bitch, he’s mine.” No, really I’m not crazy.
I was even fine with him looking serial killer creepy sexy as Julian Asange in The Fifth Estate. I’ll even forgive Bill Condon for the bleached brows and hallow cheeked look.
And then this real quick B roll footage (starting around :46) of Ben chatting with director Steve McQueen and memorizing lines reminded me, CRAP I still haven’t seen 12 Years A Slave and the Oscars are just around the corner and I CANNOT lose our Oscar betting pool this year.
And ALLLLLLLL the Hobbit/Smaug promo and ALL the #Smaug action over at Tumblr. I’m barely keeping my feels (as the kids would say) below the surface at a low simmer. Don’t stare at this one too long you may fall through some stones or a rip in the space time continuum.
Honestly, this is what I was hoping Peter Jackson and the crew at WETA would do for the character CGI of Smaug. I would probably never leave the theater then, I would have set up a tent with a portable camping stove and a throw on a Sherlock hat and fend off any meddling teenage theater employees that tried to kick me out for squatting. But they didn’t. WETAFAIL.
BUT then he went and performed a dramatic reading of R Kelly’s “Genius” from his album Black Panties (I can’t even) on Jimmy Kimmel, wherein he said “Imma hit that thing again…”
… and I died. All the deaths.
Where is the dramatic reading my my favorite R Kelly song, Ignition? Or perhaps R Kelly should have Ben in the next installments of Trapped in a Closet? My life would truly be made then.
So thus ends my real quick glance into what Benedict Cumberbatch has been up to lately. If you’re keeping track that’s FOUR movies you need to see, one tv show to set your DVR for, one dvd release you need to add to your calendar and one album called Black Panties that you need to buy. It may not be a Benedict Cumberbatch R Kelly collab joint but who doesn’t NEED an album called Black Panties? NO ONE that’s who.