In case you don’t want to wade through the whole thing we break down Book Club Below, plus don’t miss our picks for January’s Book club!
Poison Princess Book Club Break Down
I wrote this in 3rd person so just go with it… even if I accidentally switch to first person. Go with it. I’m drinking Whiskey & it’s Christmas.
:35 Of course we open it up with a discussion of what we’re drinking. Elise informs us she’s White-Girl-Wasted.
Around 3:00 We start with our endless Shout-outs: We have a lot of newbies joining us this time- SO WELCOME. We give a couple real quick shout outs- including 2 of Bekah’s friends who are currently birthing babies (FYI: they had boys 1/2 hour apart. Amazing) and kindly ask Beth NOT to go into birthing details around 4:02. She obliges and instead tell us about the Hot Toddy she’s drinking, which Bekah informs our darling mid-twenty something friend Elise is a drink you drink as you age.
5:45 We actually discuss the book & the author Kresley Cole & if we’ve ever heard of her. We learn she’s a ROMANCE writer. YAY FOR ROMANCE. At 6:45 we discuss ovverall- how did we feel about this world?
8:55 SHAME MOMENT #1: In which Bekah admits to reading Real Life Rob Pattinson Fan Fiction
11:20: That didn’t take long– we got our first connection to THE FEVER SERIES
12 min in we seem to notice Beth is hugging her Hot Toddy cup. She does this a lot.
15:45 Okay let’s discuss THE GUY: Do we think Jackson & the cajun accent is hot? And is he an alcoholic?
20:00 Spoiler alert for book #2 because Elise wants to know if they have sex in the second book. YES YES YES
21:00 Beth is glad Evie says no to sex. And we decide she is going to be the best mother when her girls become teenagers because she KILLED that safe sex talk.
25:00 We discuss the worst part of this world’s apocalypse (rapists, prob)
28:30 We discuss Tarot cards and wtf they mean & shizz
Oh yeah- Bekah had sex hair for the majority of the time
31:45 Beth MAY have given away a big spoiler for Book #2. Whoops. She’s answering Elise’s question about if the family members of the Tarot cards were Tarot cards. Also: 32:35 Beth is drunk
33:20 Time to play FMK with Jackson, Brandon and Matthew which turns into a discussion of Matthew’s age (Elise wants to know: Is he even effable?) and the RULES of FMK: Bekah says you just get missionary style when you marry. Beth says there is NO sex in marriage. Elise says there’s sex in marriage & it’s just one time in Effing. #importantchats. Spoiler Alert: Elise Marries Vodka
37:45 The guy who plays Jackson on the book cover & in the trailer is hot. OH YEAH BOOK TRAILER FOR BOOK #2:
(Okay on a second watch of the trailer, you can’t really see Jackson- so I think he’s just hot on the book cover)
39:15 Elise totally did not believe this was a YA book. She’s pretty disappointed because she was totally picturing Barrons from The Fever Series and not Jacob Black.
41:00 Do we even like Evie? Do main characters HAVE to be likeable?
43-44: MOMENT OF SHAME #3 Beth hugs her mug for a good minute
45:00 We discuss our Future Plans. Bekah shares how she will be doing some Christmas Shopping- maybe to buy some Kresley Cole books for her Secret Santa, but that’s not what we mean.
We are officially drunk
50:00 Future plans maybe a TN get-together at the Outlander Starz event in Los Angeles on 1/11 for Beth’s Birthday & Diana Gabaldon’s birthday. OH YEAH- BETH, NIKKI and BEKAH WILL ALL BE THERE
Beth & Bekah are verraaa tipsy which leads us to a Real quick Prince Harry chat, a Real Quick Regency Romance chat, and a chat about ghetto grocery stores. Do NOT give us Euphemisms for “Penis” Come ON now
Overall we give Poison Princess: 4 Wine Bottles! If we were rating in Hot Toddy’s we’d probably give it even more.
January Book Club Book(s)
We did something a little different this time on the spur of the moment (because Beth was drunk and couldn’t remember what books we were going to read) and asked YOU GUYS to suggest books to us and then VOTE on our main pick for January! And it is ….
The Handmaid’s Tale
We’re calling it “the original dystopia” and we’re excited to start 2014 off with some serious lit’rature and stuff. Except we’re pretty sure we’ll be reading erotica and urban fantasy at the same time.
From the official summary:
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the years before, when she lived and made love with her husband, Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now…
OMG, she has to do it with this Commander guy … is he like Barrons?
So, we know a few of you have already read this one, so our optional picks are going to be super fun as well!
For all you breastfeeding fairies out there …
j/k this is our next graphic novel, and word on the street is EVERYONE should be reading it.
From the official summary:
From New York Times bestselling writer BRIAN K.VAUGHAN (Y: THE LAST MAN, EX MACHINA) and critically acclaimed artist FIONA STAPLES (MYSTERY SOCIETY, NORTH 40), SAGA is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in a sexy, subversive drama for adults. This specially priced volume collects the first arc of the smash hit series The Onion A.V. Club calls “the emotional epic Hollywood wishes it could make.”
THIS LOOKS AWESOME. I kind of want to devour it right now.
Aaaaand one last optional read because we had all kinds of great ideas this month …
…. by Judy Blume. Heck yes. We are going back to the YA of our aunt’s era because well, some of us have never read it, and I hear it’s saucy. I will give a prize to the reader who finds the coolest cover art. Coolness to be determined by me.
If you’ve never read Forever, just imagine you are sitting on your sculpted avocado bedroom carpet, eating cottage cheese and peaches, wishing you were wealthy enough to have a phone in your room when you came upon this awesome summary on the back of a worn out paperback.
There’s a first for everything.
When you build up something in your mind really imagine it, wish for it sometimes, when it actually happens, it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
True love is nothing like that.
Especially not for Katherine and Michael, who can’t get enough of each other. Their relationship is unique: sincere, intense, and fun all at the same time. Although they haven’t been together all that long, they know it’s serious. A whole world opens up as young passion and sexuality bloom.
But it’s senior year of high school, and there are big changes ahead. Michael and Katherine are destined for another big “first”: a decision. Is this the love of a lifetime, or the very beginning of a lifetime of love?
Tell me you wouldn’t read the HECK out of that!
Our January Google Hangout will be close to the end of the month, so you have a full 4 weeks to get these puppies read. PUT DOWN THAT REGENCY EROTICA. Don’t forget to talk to us on our Goodreads threads all month long as you read, and tweet us with the hashtag #TNBookClub to be a part of the ongoing conversation.