2013 was an amazing year for some many more reasons that we can list, but why not try? Courtesy of some of your favorites That’s Normal team members, here’s some of our favorite things from 2013. Check out our 2013 review.
Comic Con 2013: We came, we saw, we drank (we think)
Somehow we wrangled an alcohol sponsor for Comic Con 2013. How that happened, I’ll never know but now the question is, how do we get a hotel sponsor for 2014? Let’s not forget the parties, the press events, the Theo, the moon times, the #RealQuickSelfies, that time I ran into George RR Martin and of course all our (mostly drunken) videos LIVE from the Con. Man, that was a fun week. – Nikki
Read More: Allllll our Comic Con coverage
Covering Sports on That’s Normal Became a Thing
Finally the best part of sports is being showcased effectively on the web!
Read More: The Hot Guys of Sports
We Now Know How to Steer Clear of Fandom Craziness
Applicable to any fandom at any time, Beth came up with the perfect, definitive guide on how to avoid becoming an insane person entrenched in the pitfalls of fandom drama. It is supposed to be fun, after all! – Jamie W
Read More: How to Avoid Fandom Drama, in Five Parts
Covering “The Host” from All Angles
That’s Normal was all over every aspect of this movie: the press junket, the premiere, book signings and screenings, and swooning over Max Irons. – Jamie W
Read More: Everything on “The Host”
British Stuff
Our whole year lead up to this and we are not British! Starting in January we watched the BBCA monthly specials on each Doctor with a classic episode. Pix and I rewatched the final season with the Ponds together a couple times. Many weekends were spent watching old episodes from 9, 10, and 11. My kids became Whovian evangelists. Then The Day of the Doctor came and it was everything we had been hoping for. The magic Smith and Tennant brought together was like an early Christmas Gift, one I can go back and watch over and over. Finally the Doctor has a new purpose and is no longer running from himself. Of course I’m going to miss Smith, just as I missed Tennant, but that’s the beauty of dvd, I can go back and watch them again and again. – NM & Pix
The Entire World Became Fangirls for Jennifer Lawrence
Somehow between her Oscar, her amazing performances, her fly by the seat of my crazy pants interview style and CATCHING FIRE, Jennifer Lawrence became the most awesome person in the world. I think it’s due to her stealing my haircut. – Beth
Read More: Jennifer on That’s Normal
That’s Normal became a TEAM
No really this is a thing that happened & you probably noticed because we’ve added new writers, but this is one of my favorite parts of TN in 2013. For years it was just me & Nikki. Then we added Jamie. Then Beth and Elise joined the fray. And after the 5 of us kicked it alone for awhile, we added a bunch of people to the family- and these people are AWESOME. Seriously I LOL on an almost daily basis because of our TN team- whether it’s from a new post that’s written or from a team e-mail response we got. Oh yeah, cuz THAT’S a thing. We started Team E-mails this Fall complete with Team shared idea docs that we live edit together. Plus we have a TN private Facebook group. We’re basically like a Mean Girls clique in high school except not really mean at all. Well, to anyone’s face… –Bekah
Read More: Get to know our contributors here
We got our First Hater
It was on 1/29/2013 (Yes. I saved the date) and on a post that Elise wrote about Chrissy Teigen being her girl crush. Minerva, the commenter, does not like Chrissy Teigen. But we killed it in our responses to her. Nothing is better than responding to a hater with feigned sincerity:
Since this first hater we’ve had plenty of others (usually on ridiculous posts like the one about Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman or from some REALLY committed fans of Christian Boy Bands) but we’ll always remember Minerva as the one who started it all! Maybe in 2014 we’ll embrace the haters even more & even start to spotlight them like we used to on an old site we ran. Has TammyO found out about That’s Normal yet? –Bekah
Read the Post (and the comment) that started it all: Girl Crush Chrissy Teigen
We discovered ALL OF THE FANDOMS!
From Outlander to Tom Hiddleston, to Sherlock and Cumberbatch to Hunger Games to Divergent and back to our old faithful, Twilight, we loved ALL the fandoms. We even loved their drama and their fans! There’s no telling which fandom we’ll dive into next year. – Nikki
Read More: All the Fandoms
What was your favorite part of 2013? Add it in the comments and let’s wish a fond farewell to this year.