It has come to my attention that there are some among us that have never been acquainted with the greatness that is Friday Night Lights. I know the show has been over for more than two years, but there is something about this time of year that reminds me of the first time I ever truly fell in love with a television show.
I jumped on the bandwagon really late, actually right after the very last episode aired. I spent nearly two weeks holed up in my house watching it until 2 or 3 am going to work on 3 or 4 hours of sleep and coming home and watching more FNL and doing it all over again. It got so bad that I unconsciously started speaking with an Texan accent. I am not saying it was the most productive time in my life, I am just saying it’s THAT good.
I can confidently say that FNL is my favorite show of all time and with that being said it should also be noted that I hate football. Ironic I know, but this show is about so much more than football. Its about life and community. Sometimes life deals you a crappy hand, and sometimes you make bad choices, sometimes you persevere and sometimes you don’t. You can watch all the seasons on Netflix or do what I did and wait until Black Friday and stalk your local Target for them. I got all seasons for like 7 bucks each last year.
If you happen to be an unfortuante person who has not yet fallen in love with these characters you better get ready to call in sick, because you’re about to get hooked. and it will only take the first episode to suck you in. Here’s a few reasons why this is about to become your new favorite old show.
Press play for on the video below for maximum feels…
You will wish Coach Taylor were your dad (or your coach)
After watching the series you will wonder if you were to write to Connie Britton asking her for some life advice if she would answer as Mrs. Coach/ Principal Taylor.
Tim Freaking Riggins, because you’ve never wanted to fix a guy so bad. Also you’ve never seen a high school boy look like this.
Lila, Riggins, and Six; The heart of the first season oh so many feels.
Matt Sarcean, because everyone loves an underdog
Landon and Tyra, you will finally understand why the hot girl picks the less attractive guy.
Friday Night Lights kicks you in all the feels… like HARD
I haven’t convinced you yet, just watch the below video. If you still aren’t convinced than you have no heart. I still cry watching this 5 minute video every single time. Warning: Spoilers
I know this post should have been written like 2 years ago, but this show never gets old.
Texas Forever.