Update: Congrats to our Winner Nattilee!
Are you super excited for the Twilight Fan Events including the Twilight Marathon on Sunday November 3rd and the event at Planet Hollywood on Monday November 4th? (Missed the announcement? Read it here.) Well, like most things Twilight in the past 5 (yes FIVE!) years, the tickets to the marathon you-can’t-pee movie event sold out in SECONDS. BUT HAVE NO FEAR: We are giving away a pair of Twilight Marathon Tickets for Sunday November 3rd in NYC!
Enter to Win
All you have to do is comment here to enter to win & we’ll pick a random winner at the end of the day Friday 10/25. To be eligible you must own a pair of jorts & white sleeveless button-down. Bonus points if you own a nude bra.
Just kidding- you just have to be available to attend the showings in NYC on Sunday November 3rd.
In case you’re not sure if you want to make to trip from wherever you live in the world to NYC to watch 5 movies back to back, we came up with:
Reasons To Enter To Win Tickets To The Twilight Saga Marathon
1. “Special Guests*” – Ok, so you’re hoping it’s going to be Robert Pattinson and he’s going to walk in and lock eyes with you and you’ll live happily ever after next door to Dick and Claire in London. The reality? Our money is on appearances by Erik Odom, Toni Trucks, a wolf packer or two, perhaps BooBoo Stewart or Julia Jones? (There will be special guests at the fan event on Monday Nov 4th)
2. The food is really good at Planet Hollywood. (cough-noitsnot-cough)
3. Merch*- There is SURE TO BE MERCH handed out at the event. Because you know Summit has tons of Hot Topic-type-Twilight merchandise stacked in closets so high to the ceiling the LA fire department is considering shutting down the building. In fact, rumor has it a Summit intern ventured into the closest at the beginning of the summer & hasn’t been heard of since. We’re SURE they’re going to be handing out something to add to your collection.
4. Musical Performances*- There is no way Nikki Reed & husband Paul McDonald are missing an opportunity to show off their latest song which is about how much more in love than are than Edward & Bella. We’re holding out hope for a 100 Monkeys reunion show though.
5. Props on Display- YOU CAN SEE BELLA’S JACKET IRL GUYS! We know you bought the Modcloth version of the jacket back in 2009 & have been wearing it daily, ever since, but has Kristen Stewart ever sweated in that jacket? NO. Not the same. See it* on display on Monday November 4th.
So are you going? Enter to win tickets to the Twilight Marathon Movie event on 11/3 by commenting below. And let us know if you’re going to the event at Planet Hollywood on Monday Nov 4th!
*none of the special guests or musical acts have been confirmed yet. We also don’t know if Bella’s jacket will be there. But we’re hoping. We also have no idea if they are giving out merch but duh, you know they’re totally looking to offload the 10,000 Cora-the-waitress action figures they mistakenly ordered.