I want to have a conversation about Sinead O’Connor and Miley Cyrus (three, but I don’t want to say M—‘s name. So I’m not going to. From here on out, for the sake of this post, I’m replacing HER name with something I’d much rather say and see:
Miley Cyrus = Adorable Fluffy Kitten
I won’t even post pictures of Adorable Fluffy Kitten. I will use gifs. Gifs of Adorable Fluffy Kittens (real ones)
Okay so we know that Adorable Fluffy Kitten has been going through an image change in the last year, right? Whether you agree with it or not, this isn’t really what I want to talk about (But for the record, I’m all for women being sexy, pushing the limits, even being controversial to get a message across, but Adorable Fluffy Kitten is not doing that. If you want to argue, feel free! But start with telling me what important message Adorable Fluffy Kitten is telling the world by letting us constantly see her tongue and think about her giving blow jobs. Oh wait, am I the only one thinking that? Silly me.) But I DO want to talk about Sinéad O’Connor’s response, Adorable Fluffy Kitten’s response to Sinéad and the internet war that has ensued.
Sinéad got involved in the Adorable Fluffy Kitten mess because Adorable Fluffy Kitten mentioned one of Sinéad’s videos in a Rolling Stones interview:
It’s the opposite of the VMAs. It’s like the Sinead O’Connor video [for “Nothing Compares 2 U”], but, like, the most modern version. I wanted it to be tough but really pretty – that’s what Sinead did with her hair and everything.
And Sinéad felt she had to respond. Understandably. She basically said this:
Okay it wasn’t exactly that, but her response was AMAZING. I 100% agree with everything in it. Here it is in its entirety if you want to read it. but this:
But, I have one problem with the response, and that is that she said it publicly. Adorable Fluffy Kitten mentioned Sinéad once, in passing, in her interview, and Sinéad had a right to respond, but privately. Send that letter to Adorable Fluffy Kitten, Sinéad. But telling the whole world? Calling Adorable Fluffy Kitten out for everyone to read? Well, kinda seems like a dick move.
How do you EXPECT Adorable Fluffy Kitten to respond? Imagine you’re a 20 year old girl, just had your first sexual experience with a metal ball, Gale from The Hunger Games broke up with you, you have public camel-toe on a daily basis, and your dad is this guy:
And you’re at the top of your game. You are ALL anyone is talking about. You feel amazing. You feel unstoppable. And then this bald woman comes along and says all these things that are….. well, true.
How did we expect Adorable Fluffy Kitten, licker of hammers, grinder of men her dad’s age, to respond? With grace and humility? “Oh crap, you’re RIGHT Sinéad! I AM prostituting myself!” No! Of course she’d lash out in the only way she knew how: like an immature 20-something who isn’t EVER told no, who has been told she is at the top of her game, that she’s unstoppable and she shouldn’t take Shit from ANYONE.
If Sinéad truly cared, she would have sent Adorable Fluffy Kitten something privately. Adorable Fluffy Kitten DID publicly mention her, but, as far as I know, it was one time. Sinéad has a right to respond to what Adorable Fluffy Kitten said, but I think there was a more appropriate way. Maybe if she was doing an interview & someone asked her, “Hey- how did you feel when Adorable Fluffy Kitten called you her biggest inspiration” “Well, I contacted Adorable Fluffy Kitten and explained that while I’m flattered, I think she misunderstood me” Blah. Was anyone, ANYONE actually sitting around thinking, “Wow, Adorable Fluffy Kitten was inspired by Sinéad? She must be more into the weird sex stuff with stuff you can buy at Home Depot than I realized! Go Sinéad! Now I’m going to buy her album because if Adorable Fluffy Kitten is into her, obviously she must be just like her.”
No, no one thought that.
And now it’s devolved into this huge mess. Adorable Fluffy Kitten lashed out on Twitter and posted deranged tweets of Sinéad’s from 2 years ago when she was going through a mental breakdown and called her Amanda Bynes before there was Amanda Bynes. Sinead wrote another letter threatening legal action if she didn’t remove the tweets and turned it into a “Don’t call out the mentally ill” which, of course, is fabulous advice, but just feels so misguided in a Facebook post, responding to a tweet, to a girl who licks hammers and takes her clothes off for Terri Richardson.
(can we talk about him for a RQ second? He totally drives this van, right?)

Bonus points if you remember what this is from
All that to say, I’m not fan of Adorable Fluffy Kitten. I’m not really a fan of Sinéad O’Connor’s, either, but I respect her. And a little bit of that respect has gone away.
You’re right. I totally wrote this post so I had an excuse to post that last gif. Poor kitty.
What do you think about the drama between Sinead O’Connor and the Adorable Fluffy Kitten?