Allegiant is out today!!!
I’m sure all of you are headed to the bookstore after work to pick it up. Or, if you are industrious Four-lover, you downloaded it at midnight, and you’ve already read it.
And there are probably some of you who haven’t even picked up Divergent yet because you like to read a whole series at once. WELL TODAY IS YOUR DAY!!! Four is about to come thrusting into your lives!
At least … he BETTER be thrusting into your life, because there BETTER be Four/Tris sexytimes, amirite?
Just a reminder: Allegiant is one of THREE books that we’re reading this month for Boozy Book Club! If you haven’t picked them up yet, go get Morning Glories, vol 1 (it won’t take you but an evening to read and IT’S VERY WORTH IT), and Just One Year … because you really need to know Willem’s side of things, okay?
Our Google hangout this month for these books will be Tuesday, November 5th … so mark your calendars, stock your fridge and GET READING. You have two weeks to finish Allegiant and it should take you 1/8th that amount of time. In the meantime, join us in the discussion threads on our goodreads group and get out all those Willem feels. WILLEM. FOUR. AHH.
You don’t have to read all three books to join our hangout this month because it’s very unlikely that all five of us will have read them all. Pick your favorite and come hang out. And while you are reading, use #TNBookClub hashtag on twitter and we can have a pre-hangout discussion!