So it looks like there are some new casting announcements being made in the Outlander world this week. I expect there will be several of these over the next few weeks as production speeds along. I’m sure we will get to the REALLY good stuff soon enough because I really need to know who’s playing Mrs. Baird and Mr. Crook. (Yeah, I had to look up their names for that lame joke). So, your question is: “Beth, are you going to write a new post EVERY time some secondary character is announced?” ANSWER: WELL I AM IF I HAVE ROBERT PATTINSON GIFS FOR IT.
… but Rob is GREAT at it.
James Fleet as Reverend Wakefield
Ok, I remember this guy best from Sense and Sensibility where he played the horrible, spineless, hen-pecked John Dashwood. He’s an English actor who’s been in all types of awesome period pieces and looks different in every role. What do we think of this casting, Rob?
What got me excited about his casting announcement was that it reminded me that we might get to see WEE ROGER asleep in his chair. OMG, you guys. Wee Roger. So essssssitted.
Lotte Verbeek as Geillis Duncan
Wait a hair-bleaching minute. Geillis is described as being tall with FAIR hair and GREEN eyes …. oh yeah. I forgot that crap doesn’t matter. So, hey, Lotte. You’re beautiful AND you look totally smarmy here. Congrats on being perfect for Geillis.
I wonder how she feels about getting naked when she’s 8 months fake-pregnant. (You guys, I just read The Exile yesterday and Geillis is like WAY naked in that witch burning scene.)
So, let’s play a new game with these casting decisions. Six Degrees of British Film and Television Actors. Considering every actor in Great Britain has worked with someone who has worked with someone at one point, it’s easier than the Kevin Bacon edition. Here we go.
James Fleet (our Reverend Wakefield) was in Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson who was in Beautiful Creatures with Jeremy Irons who was in The Borgias with Lotte Verbeek. BOOM. GOD I’M GOOD.
Unconfirmed news that Laura Donnelly will be playing Jenny Fraser Murray GOT ME ALL AFLUTTER because she was super duper amazing as Sarah Kay in The Fall (which if you haven’t seen, you MUST MUST MUST Netflix immediately because Jamie Dornan is all kinds of conflictingly hot and Gillian Anderson is basically Jesus).
And I cannot believe that I just wrote an entire post about Outlander and didn’t ONCE mention #ComeOnSassenach … because let’s be honest, you guys. I’ve been replaying that shizz for days now. And it does.not.get.old. I need more Sam and Caitriona as Jamie and Claire, like yesterday. GAH. #ComeOnSassenach #RepeatAdNauseum
So, whom will we get next do you think? I hope it’s Laoghaire because I NEED SOMEONE TO HATE ON. But about Geillis and Wakefield and Jenny … Rob approves. DO YOU?