Welcome to the second edition of Comics Corner! <—I think we might need a sexier name, no? Anyways.
Last time I introduced you to Wild Blue Yonder, a sweet comic series by some guys I met at Comic-Con. I’ve since picked up the second issue, and wanted to bring you a recap/review in my trademark “I have no idea what I’m doing” style.
I’ll be real straight with you guys: SPOILERS WILL ABOUND in this recap. That’s in large part because the main spoiler made me even more committed to reading this series, and I think it will do the same for you if you’re not yet on board.
So, where were we? Last time we saw Cola, a badass fighter pilot, she was recruiting for her ship in a thank-god-it’s-not-Steampunk post-radiation world. She snagged a (I hate myself for using this phrase, but it’s true) ruggedly handsome applicant from the bar and brought him home to mom. Oh yea, the real HBIC ‘round those parts is Cola’s mother, who remains unimpressed by rugged handsomeness.
Looming over all of this is The Judge (from that name, I don’t even need to tell you that this is the big bad), who is hunting down the ship Cola and crew are on, called the Dawn. Needless to say, The Judge is not the nicest of dudes. He’s into face-smashing and population-suppressing.
Once again, spoilers spoilers spoilers ok you’ve got the point.
We meet up with Cola and her mom on the Dawn, and my first thought is OMG COLA’S HAIR YES. A++ guys, that is some good hair. And yes, I have suspended disbelief with regards to how she gets it to look like that aboard the Dawn. Who knows, maybe she has stockpiled product and that’s what The Judge is REALLY after (see, I told you there’d be spoilers.)
Surprise, surprise, Mom is still not down with Tug, the new cowboy. But Mom, his name is Tug! There couldn’t be a clearer indication that he is innately good. Whatever, Mom.
Scram, the wild beast of a guy with questionable Cola feels, shows Tug the ropes on his first day. And by “ropes,” I mean Tug is literally tied to a cable, being flung about by Cola in her plane. Because even in this post-apocalyptic war zone, they are just two dudes, this conversation happens:
I see what you did there.
After that testostersplosion, it’s time to watch Bambi. Wait, what? Yea, they found a VCR on the Dawn (easier to find there than here in 2013), and they hold a team movie night chock full of feels. I mean, look:
What are you trying to DO to me, guys?
Then, in an immediately one-two punch, we see Tug sneak away when everyone is asleep to transmit a signal to…The Judge. Of the Dawn’s location.
No seriously, what are you trying to do to me?
Of course I took to the twitters to vent my frustration:
Initial reaction to Wild Blue Yonder #2: *##asfjkl%!!*!! That ending. I don’t like you guys right now. @spacefriendZach @MAustinHarrison
— Elise Ramsay (@eliseramsay) September 7, 2013
Questions that remain at the end of #2:
– Who is Scram, really? What happened to his arm?
– Where the hell do Tug’s allegiances lie?
– Why is the Judge hunting them? Why does he want hair products, if he’s bald?
– When do I get to hear more about the dog? Is it next time? I hope it’s next time.
That’s all, folks! Hope this convinces you to pick up this series. I’ll see you for issue #3, and for another series entirely very soon. Let me know if you have any requests!