If I have learned anything over the past couple of years, it is that life does not stop. You have your ups, your downs, life stresses, work, not enough sleep, friends, family, fake-out press release emails that are not casting Claire, and disappointments. For some, you may be losing sleep over the state of Robsten (unbroken, y’all) and others may still be reeling over the fact that Henry Cavill likely did the bedroom tango with Kaley Cuoco. How does anyone deal with being pulled in so many directions?
Life is better with a big dose of silly.
Silliness: not just for kids! Perhaps the Bronies know the secret to life…**coughs** or maybe they just know a good time when they see it. Why do we berate or judge each other for moments of silliness? Just like I am owning my geek, I am totally going to own my silliness.
The World’s a Stage
You know when you get a really random song stuck in your head and you will only feel better when it is stuck in others? Well, last Friday I decided a small group of friends really would appreciate a short video of me singing Tiffany’s “I think we’re alone now.”
And in response, I received a video of TN friend Shalan’s daughter singing at a restaurant. And then guest contributor Ellie sent a video of her completely embarrassing her daughter with a hopeful duet of the song, “Royals” by Lorde.
Beth, decided not to embarrass her daughters, but more likely her husband who was driving the car when this rendition of One Direction’s “Best Song Ever” happened.
I even convinced another friend to sing with me on a video to send back, but really, can anyone compete with tipsy One Direction? Even for the purpose of the sillies, it’s a hard act to follow.
Silly is more Fun with Friends
As you know, this blog took an excursion to comic con last month. There’s no better excuse to make a fool of yourself when you are surrounded by people in Cosplay. Being a goober is so much more fun when wearing matching t-shirts. Strength in numbers!
And there’s something just a little cathartic about posing with jumping Rob at the end of a long week of Breaking Dawn 2 events. I bet Rob totally appreciated the silliness of Jumping Rob on the Red (or Black) carpet.
Clearly, he loved it. The lady shouting, “PUH-LEASE” did not appreciate the silly as much.
Animals are the Silliest
Perhaps this photo of Ellie needs no explanation.
If you don’t believe me about the benefits of silliness, you can trust Lucy.
How do you blow off steam? Are you willing to be silly in front of your friends and family? Are we just crazy (erm, maybe don’t answer that)?