When he first came on the scene, a couple of my friends were way into him and I didn’t get the appeal.
Needless to say, my oh so shallow 20 something heart was easily won over. This ad ran around the same time his third major album Continuum was released an album I contend it to be his best work thus far.
I am aware that unfortunately, there is so much more to a person than sexy tattoo sleeves and good music. A lot of how much I like a celebrity is tied into how they are in their personal life. I know its unfair, they are just people, but in John Mayer’s case I let a lot slide. I am not in anyway blind to his shortcomings, I simply can separate the idiotic things he did in the past from his talent.
Lets review a little shall we? As pretty much everyone knows, a few years back he gave a train wreak of an interview to Playboy in which he described his old girlfriend, Jessica Simpson, as sexual napalm … oh and he might have described his masturbatory habits to Rolling Stone in detail while in the same interview whined about how he doesn’t get laid as often as we might think. These are some of my least favorite things about him, but we all make mistakes in life right? Oh John, you know I can’t stay mad at you!

In 2010 this thing was a goldmine!
After the fall out of these interviews he moved to Montana and went all mid-west on us, subsequently turning into Snoopy’s brother Spike. Among his many flaws, I am also very aware that he makes awful distorted sex faces when he plays guitar and his slew of shameless public relationships with female pop stars never end up making him look like a sweetheart. I guess if by now knowing all I know about him I haven’t given up on him I probably never will.
Now I’d never do anything as stupid as getting one of his lyrics tattooed on my body, still I am a pretty big fan. Bee tee dubs you guys, the most common JM lyric tattooed on girls who will come to regret it later in life are “keep me where the light is” and “I know the heart of life is good” now that’s deep!

I might consider this one though…
In all seriousness, I really like this new side of John Mayer. I saw him in concert a week after the Playboy and Rolling Stone interviews hit the fan. He was cocky and almost seemed depressed, but I loved him through it! When I saw him a couple weeks ago my love was complete because he seemed so humble and super appreciative that even after his ridiculous fall from grace he still could sell out shows.
Even though his set on this tour looks as though it was designed by Lisa Frank, his come back tour was all I was hoping it would be. Even without some of my favorite songs that he was unable to sing due to his ongoing recovery from a large growth on his vocal chords. His new album Paradise Valley just came out and while I think he’s had better, it was clear that after 2 years of being out of the spotlight he was ready to give us some new music to prove his voice is back, well sort of.

John feels your pain Brittney
Now I know a lot of people will forever hate him for his past indiscretions, but I choose to see his good qualities, the dude can play guitar like nobody’s business have you ever seen his CMT Crossroads with Keith Urban? AMAZING! He is also strong supporter of the troops, and for all of the crap that comes out of his mouth he can be equally funny, charming, witty and deep. Every album has at least one or two songs that just hits the spot and for that reason I’ll keep on lovin’ him, bacne and all!
Have a favorite John Mayer song? Lets talk about it.