Inside Llewyn Davis
You saw all those brand names right? Timberlake, Mulligan, Hedlund, Goodman (who of course comes attached with the Coen Brothers). But maybe you passed right by the top name: Oscar Isaac. You shouldn’t have. It’s top of the line. But if that still isn’t impressing you, other features include: ALL THE MUSIC IS PERFORMED LIVE. By people like the aforementioned Justin Timberlake and Carey Mulligan. Oh, and it was produced by T-Bone Burnnett and Marcus Mumford, just in case you didn’t think it’s folky authenticity was legit enough. You can see the whole package in December. But start talking it up now: everyone else will be later, and you’ll be super ahead of the curve. LIKE A FOLK HIPSTER FROM BROOKLYN IN THE 60s.
Saving Mr. Banks
This one’s only been out for a couple of weeks. Still shiny. From my tears. In case you didn’t notice, that’s unarguably the biggest brand in the world breaking down one of its own. Disney giving an iconic Disney the How Disney Did It Treatment with Masters Hanks and Thompson. Bonus features: Disney attraction nostalgia, BJ Novak and feels. It’s essentially a perfect trailer.
American Hustle
This one is fresh off the assembly line, and has that retro look down pat. Unfortunately for some modern sensibilities, it might be a little too retro: the worst 70s hair of any hair since the 70s, and some seriously outdated social mores. Big names like Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale … OH and Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence, who are both beautiful and talented but are only shown in scenes of either violence, sex or powerlessness. Progressive. It’s bright and shiny on the outside with its big names and award buzz, but the interior looks like it smells.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
If you’re waiting for my endorsement for cream of the crop, this might be it. In fact, I love it so much I can’t keep up this Craigslist Trailer Salesman schtick. Gotta talk about the movie instead. So, if Dirty Paws doesn’t tip you off to its awesomeness, there’s the perfect Kristin Wiig, looking understated and sincere, which is my favorite look for her. Speaking of favorite looks on an actor: nothing is better than when Adam Scott plays a dickbag. I’m confused as to why Sean Penn looks like he’s propositioning all of us, but I’m overlooking that for THE GRAPHICS. Which look epic. And if you are still on the fence, Ben Stiller has been slaving for years over this adaptation of James Thurber’s sublime story.
The White Queen
Sometimes smaller vehicles need epic trailers too. While my interest in this one was purely Starz-specific for reasons, that was only AT FIRST. Then I saw all the promise of Max Irons nekkid times, which I hear from my UK sources are confirmed to be “lots and lots.” So War of the Roses, epic EPIC costume period drama, some of my favorite British actors (JANET MCTEER!), and did I mention naked Max Irons? OK. I will be watching this for sure (it airs AUGUST 10th!!!) in order to check out how Starz does with an epic book series (this one based on Phillipa Gregory’s historical dramas) because they have my baby in their hands. #JAMMF
Speaking of ..
Emulsion – Official Trailer from White Lantern Film on Vimeo.
This is just a little backroom bonus. I couldn’t let you leave without showing it to you. It’s just so, freaking PRETTY. Tell me you couldn’t see yourself all cozy in it.
What new trailers are you excited about lately? Did you set calendar notifications for these release dates like I did?