Last time on Guys we Google we discussed Marvel vs DC with the Pro DC argument. Today we flip the tables and go pro-Marvel.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Pix: Okay, I’m done. Marvel wins.
NM: I don’t know DC gave us Christian Fucking Bale as the Goddamned Batman.
Pix: Okay, okay. Fine. We’ll look at some more …err.. evidence. But seriously. I just want him to come over and try to pull random objects out of rocks. I also want his Thor voice for my GPS app. “Follow this path 500 yards hence, mortal and then turn thy chariot to the west road.”
Tom Hiddleston as Loki
NM: I know he’s not technically a “hero” but the Asgard guys take my breath away. Pix: Every girl loves a bad boy anyway, right? Speaking of Bad Boys. And Heroes.
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man
“You can take away my suits, you can take away my home, but there’s one thing you can never take away from me: I am Iron Man.”
Yes. Yes you are.
Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye Edward Norton as The Hulk*
Chris Evans as Captain America
*Pix: So, about the Edward Norton Hulk. I mean, he’s definitely cute, but I do love me some Mark Ruffalo. Every bit as dorky and mild-mannered as any good alter ego should be. That’s just the Avengers….Then we get to talk about the X-Men.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
NM: Wolverine is great just don’t get me started on “bone claws”!
Pix: Ahem. Painful.
NM: Hold up. There are waaaaaay too many X-Men to list but this youtube clip takes care of the rest of them… if you have 15 minutes to kill.
Chris Evans as the Human Torch
Yeah we know it’s the Fantastic Four but only one of them is hot enough for our list.
We can’t forget about our “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”.
Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man 
NM: Tobey will always be my Spidy!
Pix: Awww… Tobey was a cuddly Spidey. Not sure if Spiderman should be cuddly…but.. Actually I haven’t even seen the Andrew Garfield Spiderman. Brb…
Stan Lee the true hero of the Marvel Universe
Whether you’re team Marvel or team DC, we all come out winners with the pure awesome both bring to the screen.