I am Claire, am I not? No, no no- I’m not some girl who cosplays as Claire at Comic Con (but FABULOUS idea for next year) or makes my just-learned-he-has-Scottish-in-him red-headed husband call me Claire in the bedroom (although I may add that to the idea book) and I’m most DEFINITELY not this girl on Facebook who seems to legitimately think she is Claire:
But I am Claire, when I read the books.
As you may know, I am new to the Outlander series. One of my best friends begged me years ago to join her in her addiction, but I was an idiot and did not listen. Thankfully Beth convinced me to try the series a few months ago, a week before the news of Starz picking up the show was announced. I’m lucky like that. I was able to picture Jamie Fraser in my mind BEFORE Sam Heughan was announced as our main man, and now I only have to wait a few months before seeing Jamie come to life on my TV! I had a week or so to picture the characters myself before I learned who the fan favorites were to play these roles. I have, in my mind, what each character looks like. It hasn’t been disturbed by the actor who is playing the role. And Claire looks like, well, me.
It’s true I have brown curly hair, but I highly doubt Claire’s hair frizzes in the way mine does (although that BOOK 3 SPOILER ALERT Georgia heat does NO curly-haired woman any good). Her eyes sound much prettier than my muddy brown ones, and she sure as hell is stronger than I am (The idea of a chamber pot literally gives me hives. Not to mention relieving myself behind a bush in the presence of a gang of Highlanders) But when reading the books, I am Claire.
I am staring at Jamie Fraser’s blue eyes, and I feel his hands on my body. It’s not just a character- it’s ME. That right there is proof of Diana Gabaldon’s amazing writing abilities- when we insert ourselves into the story. And I KNOW I’m not alone in this. So that brings me to my fear of Claire’s casting.
When Claire is cast, she’ll no longer be me. Claire will become whoever is deemed best to portray her on TV. And if I pick up the book after she is cast, will I fail to see myself? Will I, instead, see this soon-to-be-known actress? Will I cease to be Claire?
But really, when are they going to cast Claire?
While I live in perpetual fear of some gorgeous non-frizzy curly haired British beauty taking my place as Claire in my mind, basically everyone else is asking WHEN ARE WE GONNA GET A CLAIRE?
So let’s look at the evidence:
This show is coming out in the Spring. And so they’ve got to be going into production soon. No Claire. No production
Sam is in LA. Nope. I’m not stalking him (I take Beth’s fandom advice), I just [strike]refresh his tweets every 5 seconds [/strike] read his twitter. While I’m sure visiting Disneyland is high on his list, I’m also going to guess he’s there for some Outlander bidnaz. Perhaps bedding a few Claire hopefuls. I mean theoretically, of course. Unless they test the honeymoon scene together. Which… they better. Let’s be honest. #Chemistry #AllThatMatters #WhyAmIHashtaggingOnHere?
The Outlander Audition Vids are getting ridiculous online
I didn’t know this was a thing, but apparently some people post their audition videos online in hopes of getting fan support (I assume. Not sure why ANYONE would subject themselves to that embarrassment if its horrible (most are) or why they put me through the 2nd-hand embarrassment. For some giggles search vimeo.com for Jamie Fraser Auditions. Oh the terrible Scottish accents…)
Here are a few examples:
This video has some fan buzz & the girl seems to have some acting chops
although I’m suspect of anyone who hashtags #potentialclaire on twitter. I think anyone who would be seriously considered for a role of this size would be MUM on social media until she’s allowed to say anything.
Here’s my favorite non-HD vid from a Claire-hopeful who forgot to tell her mom to hold the iPhone horizontally:
And here are a few others in case you have some time to kill
I’m sure an over-abundance of mediocre audition videos isn’t a concern to anyone but me, but as the wait drags on and on, the internet seems to be getting more restless and it all just points me to signs that Claire is coming soon.
And I’m not ready. I’m not ready to give up my role in my little perfect book world of me and Jamie Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser. I’m not ready for someone with perfectly spiraled curls who doesn’t fear peeing on a pot or bedding her husband outdoors near strangers and can bind and clean a deep wound. I am not ready to be replaced by some impossibly beautiful actress. I am not ready for someone other than me to be Claire.
What do you think? Will Claire change in your mind once she’s FINALLY cast? Speaking of casting, can we place bets on when we’ll hear something? What do you think of the audition videos above?