I know that stating this fact is somewhat controversial. There isn’t much indifference when it comes to Taylor. You either LOVE HER or do not. If you’re immediately thinking I love wearing dresses, like the color pink and love playing with puppies and kitties, you’re right. I do. But the fact that Taylor & I have that in common is not the ONLY reason why I like her.
Here are a list of reasons why I like Taylor Swift:
1. Taylor Swift has a private jet.
I wish we were friends for that fact alone. I need more friends with private jets in my life
2. Taylor wears great clothes.
If you haven’t noticed, she’s wearing less sparkly pink dresses & is wearing sexier, more grown up versions of “her brand”
Which by the way, I tried to buy for Comic Con and are sold out everywhere.
3. Taylor Swift is gorgeous enough to land any guy she’d like
Like for real. Look at her (See above. Cat ears. Girls look prettiest in them)
If she would stop for one second and realize OLDER is better than YOUNGER and BACNE is never okay (I’m looking at you John Mayer. Tell me I’m not the only one who remembers when he admitted to having it in that interview years ago) she could land a real man like Joseph Gordon Levitt or something. I’m not saying I’d be okay with that because I think JGL should stay single and work on his “art” (right.) but I’m just saying she COULD land him. She’s smart, successful, funny, gorgeous etc. etc. etc.
One of the complaints people have about her is her dating habits for all the young “it” boys in Hollywood. She dates them for like 2 weeks, falls in love, meets their grandmas, buys a house next door then breaks up in some dramatic way that ends up in a #1 hit break-up song. I’ll admit– it’s a little ridiculous. But I do think she falls for them (or thinks she does) HARD and really does just want to find a nice guy to love. I think if she found the right older, non-d-baggish, bacne-free man to date, people might see her as more grown-up and less of the Taylor Swift sterotype.
4. Taylor Swift has a funny personality
(and, yes, most of these video clips somehow have something to do with cats)
5. Taylor gets to write songs and sing them for a living
Which, last I checked, is much MUCH better than sitting in an office & working for “THE MAN.”
“SHE DOESN’T WRITE THOSE SONGS” you neigh-seyer’s yell. Well…. I’ll give you that she’s probably co-writing most songs these days, but way back when Taylor Swift came onto the scene as a song writer– the songs were sweet and innocent and penned by her hand… Go to any high school in America and ask a bunch of 14 year olds what they did last night. I’m gonna guess the majority of them didn’t write a song that will be a #1 hit next year.
6. Taylor gets to kiss cuts boys in her music videos
In fact, Taylor gets to act out every fantasy available in her videos. You know that one fantasy you have where you go to live in Paris, have a cute little flat, eat macaroons every day but don’t gain a pound, don’t have to work but just work on your “art” or your “book”, grabbing dinner and drinks with artistic locals you met who live in your neighborhood? And life is perfect. You’re learning about yourself. You’re exploring a whole new side of you. Nothing could make it better. Except on a Wednesday.. in a cafe….you meet the hottest Parisian male who wants to kiss you like you’ve never been kissed. You know that fantasy of yours?
Well, yeah that’s the story behind all of Taylor Swift’s music videos. Or at least this video:
7. Taylor Swift is rich
Imagine the birthday presents I’d get if we were friends.
8. Taylor Swift has a great body.
She’s thin but somehow still has boobs. And I think they’re real. Plus she wore this dress in the video above & it’s basically my goal in life to also wear this dress:
9. Taylor knows her brand and works it.
And for most of her career- that brand could be described as “innocence.”
“But it’s all an act” you say! Maybe.. it might be now, but Taylor isn’t dumb. Behind that innocent face is a shrewd business-woman. She knows her audience. She knows what sells.
Taylor has always been, well, Taylor. And no one thought much of it when she was 15, 16, 17. It seems like the critics got harsh when she got older. I think she’s in a weird position of going from a young, innocent teen to a sophisticated woman, but she’s doing a great job. I think because she’s been around for so long it’s easy to forget she’s just 22 (or is she 23. did that song lie?) And let’s think about other girls in her age group- Amanda Bynes and Miley Cyrus come to mind. They may have started a little earlier than Taylor with their careers, but there is a big difference with how they’ve handled fame now that they are adults.
I think when I started to get some respect from Taylor was when I heard a story about her first album. She was on this little Indie label & she, the employees (probably just 1-3 people) and her family stuffed packages with her first album. She wrote this little song called “Tim McGraw” and they decided to promote it they would go after Tim McGraw Fansites & get them to latch on to the song. They loved it. And the rest is history. It may seem like a no brainer, but it wasn’t common practice at the time. It was guerrilla marketing that she was involved with & she deserves some respect.
Also she has a private jet. And none of you do, soooooo basically in a fight for my attention… she’s going to win every time. Unless you hand me a cat… in that case… I might have a tough choice…..
What do you think about Taylor Swift? Do you hate/Love or are you indifferent? Notice how I could only come up with 9 reasons why I like her? Lesson from a blogger: if you set up to come up with a list of 10, you’ll never make it there. Happens to me EVERY time.