Today for Guys we Google we’re talking Marvel vs DC. This is The pro DC argument
Ah, Comicon. A week long orgy of all things geektastic. A time when those of us not lucky enough to go scour the net for pictures and videos of panels for all our favorites in the comic/sci-fi world.
Pix: So basically this was us about Comic Con. I stole it off tumblr and now I forget where I found it. Thank you random tumblr.
But before we get truly lost down the Doctor Who rabbit hole (it’s bigger on the inside!) There’s a whole other bit of comic con geekery that spawned a Googling frenzy.
DC announced the Man of Steel follow up would feature both Superman AND Batman.
Pix: I have a confession. I hated Man of Steel. It wasn’t a complete waste of time. I mean, Henry Cavill. But, I wasn’t thrilled at all.
NM: I have a problem with Superman in general so it really wouldn’t matter who it was. I probably would wouldn’t like it.
Pix: I also have to admit that my geekery has a comic book shaped gap in it. My knowledge of these characters comes from the movie theater. So, if I were to say I was a Marvel girl, that’s probably because they’ve had more movies. And Hemsworths. And Fassbenders.
NM: I know comics. Okay I know there are boxes full of them in several closets in our house that my MIL made us move out of her basement. But for the sake of this post we’ll plead a case for DC. In the interest of fairness and all.
NM: I’m opening the bid with…..
Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern
Honestly the only thing I think when I see this is “check out the unit on that guy.” It’s really…green. But who doesn’t love Ryan Reynolds? Strength and will are a big deal to this guy. And we kinda love that.
Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex
Not only a cowboy, but a bad boy cowboy! We’ll even forgive them for Megan Fox. And we do like the tortured souls. He’s avenging the murder of his wife and son…and generally using his powers for awesome.
Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan
Not only does he walk around naked, he can multiply himself. Just think of the possibilities! The Watchmen are definitely worth checking out.
NM: Personally I like Rorschach but it’s hard to argue for a guy with a bag over his head.
Pix: Unless the inkblots do interesting things? Also, I called Dr. Manhatten “The Naked Smurf Guy” once to my hubs and his friends. Well, let’s just say I still get teased about that… People take their comic book characters SUPER seriously.
Stephen Amell as Green Arrow
I know he’s on TV not in a movie, but srsly….damn
Another tortured soul, which is on the list of needed skills when you’re going to be a rich, playboy, philanthropist, genius superhero.
Pix: Unless you’re Tony Stark…but that’s next time.
Henry Cavill as Superman
Man of Steel? Absolutely! (It’s not a euphemism!)
Regardless of our opinions, Henry Cavil is gorgeous. Perhaps we should skip the character discussion though.
Christian Fucking Bale
He’s the Goddamned Batman!!!!!!!!!!
We nearly positive that’s actually his middle name… And Batman needs no explanation. He’s Batman. Duh.
NM: I rest my case.
Pix: This case definitely needs more deliberation. It may not win me over completely..but the internet searches will be fun.
Stay tuned for when the next Marvel vs DC when we make the case for Marvel! And catch up on all the Guys we Google!