Just wanted to quick remind you that we’re in the midst of Book Club #2 with our July pick The Spectacular Now!
We hope you’re reading along with us & have already Signed-up for Book Club. My sister asked me the other day “What exactly does being in your book club mean?” and I gave her a blank stare*…… ugh, we drink and read books??
But I guess it IS kinda a good idea to explain what being a part of TN’s Boozy Book Club means:
- It means you join us in our Group on Goodreads and pick up this month’s book (The Spectacular Now).
- Once you’re done, you can join us over in our Book Club Discussion in our Goodreads Group.
- After that, why don’t you read our ALTERNATE book for the month (because we can’t pick just one!) The Ocean at the End of the Lane
- And lastly, if you can make it, join us during our LIVE GOOGLE HANGOUT where we discuss the book! And Drink, duh!
This month’s Live Hangout will be Wednesday July 24th at 10 pm ET. We’ll host the chat on our You Tube Channel & other places & have some fun ideas to get you guys involved, even if you can’t all join us on the camera.
So what are you waiting for? Read the book(s)! And if you can’t be convinced by ME, maybe the fact that it’s actually going to be a movie that looks REALLY GOOD & in theaters this August will convince you:
Join us! All the cool kids are!
And if you missed our live chat from last month’s book, here is a recap of the book we gave 3 Wine Bottles
*actually we were texting so this isn’t true