Anyway, in my pondering, I realized that even more than that, given the “actual” timeline, Bella “really” turned sparklevamp and had our favorite demonspawnbaby in September 2006 (I had to look that up to be sure in my handy-dandy Twilight Official Guide… yes I have the guide and that’s completely #Normal). Which means Renesmee will be 7 later this year. SEVEN!!
This is HUGE. Seven is the crucial year! Seven is the year where Nahuel (the other half-breed who swooped in and saved the day from the Volturi, but we know will not get the girl (Nessie)) said it was around that time where he stopped his warp speed growing and became full-grown/adult and stopped aging/changing.
Nessie is all grown up guys!!
So what does that mean for our favorite Wolfman and Halfvamp couple?? …Did Nahuel try to win Nessie’s heart? Was there as much animosity between Nahuel and Jacob as there was between Edward and Jacob because of their fight to win Nessie’s affections? Did Jacob feel like his life was stuck on some goth folklore version of a broken record because he found himself fighting AGAIN for the girl he loved? Did Renesmee falter and question her love for Jacob? Did Jacob and Renesmee end up together in the end? (Of COURSE Jacob got the girl this time! There’s no other option.) Had Edward ever banned Jacob from his house and forbid him and Nessie from seeing one another ever again with his whole mindreading now that she’s of age and things changed for them? (Yeah. Okay. We know that happened a few times.) Have Jacob and Nessie gotten their own place and started a family of half-half vampire-half-human-half-werewolves (quick now that she’s an adult but hasn’t quite stopped aging, making yet another sub-race of mythical creatures… I wonder what they’re like….)?
The possibilities!
Well, banned from Bella & Edward’s house or not, and wolfdemonsubspawnpuppies or not, Nessie’s all grown up now and she and Jake have likely had to find a place of their own for a while. And apparently they’ve decided to settle in Minnesota because I have proof of their setting up shop here. Literally.*
So what is it that I came across that started me down this path of thought and makes me think I have proof of their settling on their own? Well, the other day I was out in a city I didn’t find myself in too often. When I went by this place, it made me smile so I couldn’t help myself and snapped a picture:
It’s nice to know Jacob started his own Auto Shop, making money for his mad skills fixing up cars and bikes and such. Maybe Quil & Embry work for him. Or maybe… I wonder if Rosalie and Emmett visit and work there at night for something to do; Rose works on the cars while Emmett acts as a jacklift. You know that’s possible because despite the antagonism between Jake and Rosalie, Rose needs to see Nessie often with her being as close to a daughter as Rose will get. Plus she’s good with cars. Looks like Jacob’s doing well too with that new, fancy, big shop and all… though with the lack of customer cars in the lot I can’t help but wonder if Emmett had a little too much fun and frightened away all the customers. Plus… on top of that the weather here has been all-but perfect for visiting sparkly vamps here this spring because it’s been overcast most days these last few months. So… maybe.
But “Hoho!” you scoff in your best Buttcrack Santa voice. “That’s all fine and great but here’s probably dozens, if not hundreds of auto shops touting that name. Black is a common surname,” you say. “You call that proof? That’s not proof!”
Well, I’m with you. But then something AMAZING happened. Later that VERY SAME DAY, I passed through a town nearby the one this auto shop was in and happen upon THIS little gem (yes really):

Antiques huh? I bet the Cullens have a few of those they could sell.
Yes. It looks as though Nessie’s got herself an Antique Shop. How perfect is that?! I’m sure she has access to endless antiques the Cullens have grown tired of over the years (or things Alice forbids them to keep around) for her to sell. And it gives her something to do for fun/to pass the time when you have an eternity.
It’s like a Cullen Family Garage Sale!
With the two shops that are within an easy commutable distance from one another for humans to manage, it would be nothing for a couple halfbreeds like them to trek. I imagine they have some nearby, remote (for the inlaws to visit w/o issue of course) forest-swathed home somewhere between the two shops where they call home. I mean how many Nessies are out there??
You know, maybe I’ll find myself in need of a good mechanic some day and chance the questions of why I’m taking my car WAY out of my way to take it to that particular shop to have it fixed. Or maybe I’ll find some excuse to go back and swing into Nessie’s to take a look around. It would be interesting to see what’s in there…
*Literal meaning actual shops. Not literal meaning I really thought I found proof fictional characters actually exist. I know they don’t.**
**Yes they do.
Written by TeamJacobEdward
TJE’s Current Obsessions: Learning new words and trying to incorporate them colloquially. Twilight. Finding the next book that causes an abnormally Normal obsession. Alt Rock. Capitalizing Random Words in sentences. Movies being made from books. Sunglasses. Car window tint. Writing. My husband and kidlets. Quiet, shaded places. Useless knowledge. Working book/movie/song quotes into conversations. Finding the best hair volumizing technique. Creating new words when real ones don’t quite fit. Comfy dresses.