Dear Bekah,
Hey girl, it’s your birthday and I thought it might be appropriate to write you a letter since that’s how this whole thing started any way. I’ve gathered together some of your favorites to wish you a special day and a very special year.
I called and this guy was like I’m on my way:
Since you were busy with hot tubs, Michelle Williams stepped in. Just imagine this is you he’s playing for
You’re a better dancer than she is, FYI.
And then I called up Aaron and I was like can you top this guy? And he was like TOP? I invented the top. (WHAT?! I don’t know either)
(And yes if you’re wondering we are taking over the YouTube “Aaron Tveit” search results as well, results page numero uno. At the bottom. Gotta start somewhere.)
And then he kept staring at me like this and I got distracted and I was like, AARON save it for Bekah. Geez.
And then this guy was like WAIT I have something for Bekah too! And I was like OF COURSE you do Joe, cause you’re perfect!
You make JGL feel like a natural woman! Congrats!
And he was like I want to make HER feel like a natural woman… how about this?
and I was like what you do on your own time is YOUR business. Just leave a sock on the door or something so I know when I can come back to our non-existent That’s Normal offices.
Not now Aaron, she’s busy!!
YES, Aaron that is what’s happening at the TN offices right now. GEEZ.
We get it Aaron, thank you.
And then this guy was like, what about me?! Am I chopped liver now? I’m THE Rob is that you ran for SO many years. Do I not get to wish the birthday girl a special day? So of course I had to let him in and he was like “ON MY WAY…
…And I brought this guitar!”
Then he sent this over cause he didn’t have any use for it over the fireplace at his new house anymore. He hopes you and Mr. Choice enjoy it…
I’m kinda jealous about that last masterpiece. I would so hang it up in my house.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to my lovely lover Bekah. What will this big year hold for you? Maybe flipping the bird at the paps, maybe playing an Edward themed guitar or maybe finally meeting Mr. Aaron Tveit, whatever happens I’m so happy to be on the journey with you!
Wish Bekah a Happy Birthday in the comments! And share your fave video that she needs to see!