While I was busy having a life, read: working till 1AM and then eating tons of Ben & Jerry’s with my 50 cats (I don’t own any cats) and being my haggard, hateful, jealous self (see, I saved you the time Krisbians!) Kristen Stewart up and done got her a tattoo yall! Apparently Kristen is out there doing the whole “find yourself,” “art imitating life,” On The Road, Jack Kerouac, with your buddies, eat at every chain restaurant along the way, roadtrip thing and decided to stop over in Tennessee and get some ink. Because all major life decisions, like permanent body ink, should be made while stuck in a small space with a couple random hangers on in hats, after 30+ hours in a car fueled only by Fun-Yuns and beef jerky.
From the picture the Nashville tattoo shop posted, you can see how thrilled she is with the job they did! Clearly, her Tweety Bird turned out better than even she could dream of!
In my dream last night (yes, I dream of her and Jella EVERY NIGHT, so what?!) her tattoo was the number 28 which she told everyone was Rob’s age (he’s 27) and that 28 was their number. Clearly, it’s VERY normal to have dreams about Kristen Stewart’s tattoo and it’s very normal to get a tribute tattoo AFTER you break up with your boyfriend.
What did she really get, you’re asking? Well, no one knows since the tattoo shop is “respecting her wishes and keeping it hush hush” aka waiting till they need some cash to cough up the deets. LAAAMMMEE. I have faith that the Krisbian community is hard at work CTRL +-ing the hell out of this photo and sending their spies into the field (her emails) to find out what the tattoo could possibly be and what deep, personal, insightful meaning it has for all of us. Guys, it probably is the number 28 and she truly did the math wrong on Rob’s birthday. I’m confident we will probably know what that dark blotch on her and her friend’s wrists (and that dude’s thumb) is by like, next week. So no worries, but in the mean time let’s come up with some totally fake and not-at-all plausible ideas!
What IS Kristen Stewart’s Tattoo???
By That’s Normal
The Cullen’s Don’t Come Here. Tramp Stamp – Jamie
A wolf head howling at a super moon – Beth
Obvi. – Nikki
Her own face in the Broken video with the date of the trash bag move out underneath and a solemn “never forget.” – Beth
For the memories! – Nikki
A portrait of her right middle finger wearing THE ring. But everyone think it’s Rob’s dick because the tattoo artist sucks – Beth
.The dragon penis, as a shout out to her favorite blog. – Jamie
Two dogs with the letters RIP – Bekah
Heart with the word “liberty” in it – Beth
The words “too far gone” – Jamie
What could the Kristen Stewart tattoo be?! My money is riding on my prophetic dream of the number 28… oh and the Tweety Bird. What about you?