Hello, my name is Jamie and I am a trekkie. It started very young, as I was often left in front of the TV for hours. I wish that I could say that my trekking was limited to weekends, but I watched episodes daily, even before dinner. After years of getting my habit under control, I only had the occasional viewing of a Star Trek movie or rerun of an episode. With the recent reboot of Star Trek in 2009 reunited my habit — my need for space adventures, prime directives and witty captains — has increased seven-fold.
You guys, I’m almost as excited for the new Star Trek movie as Data is searching for life forms.
Just nearly as excited for Into Darkness as Scott Mantz is showing his Bar Mitzvah book to Chris Pine and Zach Quinto. [Side note, also pretty sure my brother is in those pictures]
I am about as desperately excited for this latest Star Trek flick, as any Star Fleet character would be to make it out of this room in one piece.
With J.J. Abrams at the helm of the reboot of the Star Trek movies, there has been nothing but complete enthusiasm from fans for many reasons. Who doesn’t love Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, especially with those baby blues?
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The fun repartee between the characters makes the movie, but it certainly would not be the same without the Spock/Uhura romance (WOWSA!)
And as if I could not be any more delighted by the cast of this film, they went and added Benedict Cumberbatch (holla to the Sherlock fans out there) who plays the villain in this flick. Somebody hold me down.
Please attempt to watch this trailer without getting chills. I dare you.
Will I be there for a midnight showing? Pfft, do Tribbles multiply faster than rabbits? (That answer is yes.)
Star Trek Into Darkness comes out May 17th. Before you go, don’t forget to…
See you at the next meeting for Trekkies Anonymous!