We hope that you’re stuffing your faces with hot dogs (ew don’t), Bubba Burgers and waving the American Flag around in memory of those who gave us the freedom to stuff our faces at the end of May, but in case you’re not in America or stuck without a picnic of some sort- here’s a quick post because one of our favorite guilty pleasures comes back tonight…
I hope you are all doing your proper warmups because it’s that time again: You know- the time when a sweet, all-American girl makes lots of grown men ugly cry. That’s right, The Bachelorette premieres tonight.
Jimmy Kimmel, known for his uncanny Bachelor predictions, has decided it’s time for him to get in on The Bachelor action too. No, he won’t be one of Desiree’s 24 strapping lads but he does have a new spin on this classic tabloid love story.
From the hilariously twisted mind of Jimmy Kimmel comes The Baby Bachelor, where Jimmy pimps out his nephew, Wesley, in hopes of getting himself some of that Bachelor gold. I smell a ratings frenzy! But watch out for that Jessie, I think we might have a Tierrable on our hands!
The Baby Bachelor Episode 1
The Baby Bachelor Episode 2
Are you tuning into the Bachelorette tonight?
Happy Memorial Day for the whole TN crew!
Written by Paige
Paige’s Current Obsessions: Diet coke, Taylor Swift, Vampire Diaries (Damon and Elena), yoga pants, Jeniffer Garner and Ben Affleck, the Kind Campaign, girl crushes (I like boys.), Possessionista, One Piece (my onesie of choice), Kenya, The Voice, Bachelor break-downs, crying to the Les Miz soundtrack, Lil Bub and Scientology conspiracy theories.