First off, I need to start this post by apologizing to all (10) people who had the bad (or good) fortune of seeing Star Trek: Into Darkeness with me at the Arclight on Friday at 430PM. I cannot be held accountable for the screams, sighs, laughs, inappropriate comments and high pitched squeals that may have emanated from the general vicinity of seats M17-19. You see, I was overcome by Cumbermatch mania and my friends and I just couldn’t contain ourselves. It was like my Tumblr dash had come to life in front of me and allll the fandoms were colliding.
There was a reason why Benedict stole the show though, infact there were MANY reasons why everyone is talking about his turn as Khan (oops spoiler!) and not about the other actors. Don’t get me wrong, they were great and I want to do them all (you too Zoe) but let’s take a look at the evidence.
1. Benedict gave us the GIF to begin ALL posts… and pretty much LIFE in general
To which we yelled at the screen YES WE SHALL! We shall definitely begin! NOW! Let’s begin whatever it is you want to begin Ben!!
He whips that glorious mane back n forth like he’s Willow Smith and we don’t EVEN care. I actually feel like his hair should be nominated for the 6th man award of the Star Trek cast. When called upon, it can show ALL the emotions necessary and when it’s time to kick ass, it steps up it’s game and introduces Kirk’s ass to the floor. WHAT’S UP NOW, (cumber)BITCH?!
3. Every moment he has with Kirk
(with a little help from Dr. Watson)
Welcome to just one of the Twitter hashtags that was born that afternoon in a movie theater. #Iambetterateverything
4. Plate Glass Window?
5. Cold Corpses?
He will walk over them you fools!
6. But wait, can we go back to the hair for a second?
The man can take a (fake) punch and look SUPER hot while doing it, am I right? I may have been one of the only people in the theater yelling for Ben to lay out Chris Pine for grabbing his hair like that. BACK OFF PINE! No one puts their hands in that head of hair. Unless you’re named Nikki. Obvi.
7. That moment where Benedict looked like The Grinch.
8. He scares the crap out of us
It’s ok Benedict, you sleep… I’ll keep your breakfast warm… it’s cool, you just rest some more, babe.
9. Benedict Cumberbatch made us FEEL
Deep down in my shriveled heart, I felt a soft rhythm begin to beat again. And that rhythm was Ben-e-dict. Cum-ber-batch. Ben-e-dict. Cum-ber-batch. Ben-e-dict. Cum-ber-batch. Ben-e-dict. Cum-ber-batch. Thanks you for making me feel again…
Now make it stop!
Benedict is more than enough people. Benedict Cumberbatch Star Trek. That’s all you need to know.
We don’t even need to get into a long drawn own exposition of the plot or how it kinda felt like just part of the story and how Khan defs has to come back now and how I’m quickly figuring out I’m way more into the villains than the heroes these days and what does that say about me. BUUUTTT we don’t even need to talk about it because it’s Benedict Cumberbatch and he’s stole EVERY scene he was in and our hearts and I’m DYING to see it again. Who wants to go?
P.S. a special treat for all the Cumberbitches HERE courtesy of Jamie. Sorry Pinenuts.