Remember when looked into a crystal ball awhile back and told you What Your Favorite 90s Boy Band Says About You? Well, I’m back but this time we’re taking a look at your silver screen addictions and more importantly, your favorite romantic comedy. They’re a bit fantasy, a bit dramatic, a lot funny (hopefully) and touch us in a special place (our hearts your creeps) but Romantic Comedies are lady kryptonite at it’s best. Each one is a bit different but it speaks to the lady in all of us. Now WHICH one speaks to you tells others a lot. Like whether you’re a coffee or a diet coke kinda gal or you went to college in the early 00s or are a mom of grown kids. Doesn’t matter we all have our favorites. This isn’t just a Romantic Comedy list, this is a snapshot into your very soul. Someone cue At Last By Etta James.
Let’s take a look…
When Harry Met Sally
If When Harry Met Sally is your favorite Romantic Comedy than you’re probably a bit of a cynical, east coaster, fast talking carnie type. You want to believe in love but your significant other cheated on you with their coworker and then made YOU move out of your shared apartment. You can’t really stand social media yet you still have a Facebook profile just do you can keep tabs on your former school buddies to see who’s gained 20 pounds and who turned out to be a fox, which of your married friends writes obnoxious posts on their significant others wall that you can screencap and send to your other like minded friend. You’ve invented a term for this called “hate-following.” You might be a blogger, work for an ad agency or book store. You crush on reporters from NPR and will fall hard one day for a cynical (yet soft hearted and kind) political blogger you meet at a Hilary 2016 rally.
Midnight in Paris
If Midnight in Paris is your favorite Romantic Comedy than you might be posh. Or you just want everyone to think you’re posh. You’re the person who knows where to find the best macaroon in the city or the best French bistro downtown. You see artsy movies and love Woody Allen but you’re not that cynical or weird about it. You’re currently planning your return trip to Paris because you’re pretty sure if you ride around the Seine on a bike with a baguette in the basket long enough you’ll meet Jasques or Jean-Luc and you’ll live happily ever after in an apartment above an artisan cheese shop. Your dream lover is a mix of Tom Hiddleston and F. Scott Fitzgerald. (See what I did there?!)
500 Days of Summer
Ok, all you twee bloggers we get it. You love Zooey Dechanel and secretly dream of being her while you’re riding your vintage Schwin bike to the farmer’s market for fresh kale and raw honey. We know you want to wear flouncy sundresses and have Joseph Gordon Levitt draw the downtown Los Angeles skyline on your arm, while you gaze, love sick into his big puppy dog eye. WHO DOESN’T? But you can’t fool us, you didn’t know who the Smiths were before this movie and Joseph Gordon Levitt is NOT going to take you to Ikea on a Saturday to buy new faucets while a Chinese family watches. He’s taking US! ALSO, this isn’t a LOVE story, stop trying to tell people it is!
You’ve Got Mail
The mid to late 90s was a magical time, wide leg pants were hot, Lilith Faire was a thing people went to, men and women met online via CHAT rooms and most everyone used AOL as their internet provider. Unless you were like me and you begged your parents to switch from Compuserve (that was a thing!) to AOL so you could flirt shamelessly with your crush from AP History class. They finally gave in, flirting commenced online, you talked with said crush in the back of class about Dawson’s Creek and how you wanted to both see You’ve Got Mail. To this day that AOL dial up tone and this movie still hold a very special (outdated) place in your heart. You can also recite EVERY line to this movie. You once has the Meg Ryan shag and think it’s totally possible for out of business book shop owners to own that amazing apartment in New York City.
Pretty Woman
You are my mom and her friends and you wear capri pants from Chico’s and go to the 5PM showing of movies, you know because you have church/kid’s soccer game/manicure/cleaning lady coming at 9AM the next day. We know you because you birthed us or are the tawdry friend of the woman who birthed us and we love you and your weird fascination with the love story of a Hollywood hooker and the ruthless, soulless, business man who can’t drive a stick shift. Big mistake. HUGE.
You’re a guy who happened to click on this link by accident. Kevin James would NEVER land that chick in a million years. We’re sorry Hollywood sold you that lie. Right this way to the exit, sir…
Bringing Up Baby / His Girl Friday (Any old black and white rom com)
If you didn’t actually see these flicks in the theater the first time around and are a grandma than you’re probably wearing vintage frocks from her closet and riding around town in your too hip boyfriend’s fully restored Alfa Romeo on the way to see your favorite Rom Com at a midnight screening at the “artsy” movie theater downtown. You listen to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. ON VINYL. You travel in your spare time, mostly because you want to believe “Roman Holiday” can really happen and that somewhere in the Hamptons Sabrina and one of the Larrabee brothers are making out in the garage while a raging party is happening in the garden. Your style icon is Katharine Hepburn and your dream lover is a mashup of Humphrey Bogart meets Cary Grant.
Say Anything
You sad emo bastard, you! You’re probably in your 30s and still looking for your Lloyd Dobler. Or maybe you’re just looking for the REAL Lloyd Dobler. Or maybe you moved to London with your Lloyd Dobler who is now a kick boxing (sport of the future) champ. Either way you grew up in a bygone era where kids hung out in music shops and went to house parties with a key master. You were/are probably a bit of a bookish nerd who reads into everything from movie quotes to song lyrics and emails from your crush/boyfriend/ match. You want a Lloyd Dobler to stand outside your window with a boombox and blast Peter Gabriel and teach you how to drive in the parking lot of your dad’s sham old folks home business. You listen to The Smiths because you actually knew them ya know in the 80s, before 500 Days of Summer came out. Black is your favorite color and you write songs about guys named Joe. The world is full of guys and you want a man.
Anything with Kate Hudson In It
You took all your sorority sisters to see How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days during finals week because everyone needed a break from all that studying and because you really thought Matthew McConaughey was your dream man. You continued this streak throughout the next several years buying tickets for yourself and your reluctant roommate to see Alex & Emma and Raising Helen. After Fool’s Gold your cynical When Harry Met Sally loving roomie moved out because her therapist thought she might have Rom Com PTSD and needed to be far away from your DVD collection and the reminders of all those wasted Friday nights. After your Investment Banker boyfriend (you met at a Hamptons summer party) proposed you watched Bride Wars and Something Borrowed on repeat to “prepare.” You wear a lot of pink, Anne Taylor and yoga pants on weekend. Taylor Swift is your spirit animal and Kate Hudson your god.
Time to load up your Netflix queue and do a self reevaluation.
What’s your favorite rom com? Did we nail it or miss the mark totally? Which rom com did we leave off the list?