We’re friends with this amazing lady named Janet and you’re in for a treat- today you learn what it’s like to have her live blog a TV show. It’s like when you were a teen and didn’t have TV privileges, but your friend gives you the play by play over the phone with color commentary. YES, like that.
Janet watches Hannibal – Live Blog
So Claire Danes’s husband, Hugh Dancy as the lead character in this Hannibal show, is walking down a highway. Are we dreaming? Yes, I think we are…..there’s a huge dear, I mean deer stag sniffing Hugh’s arm. No, wait…we’re not dreaming. The police are pulling up to him. Will Graham, is Hugh’s name on this new show. And it was a dog sniffing his arm, weird, not a deer stag. He was sleepwalking. Sooo X-Files.
Hugh and his arm sniffing dog are picked up by police. He tells them he is from Wolf Trap, Virginia. HAHAHAHHA there’s no Wolf Trap, Virginia. There is a Wolf Trap in VA, but it is a concert venue in Vienna, Virginia. Sneaky sneaky.
Blah blah blah he was sleepwalking and now Hugh/Will or Hughill is visiting his new head doc, Hannibal or that’s Mr. Hannibal to you. He makes Hughill some coffee. You cannot put body parts in coffee, right?
Just like X-Files, the Special Agent in the FBI, our lead man Hughill, is always knocking heads with his Chief or Leader, boss, or whatever you call the person in charge of you at the FBI. In this case, Skinner is now called Jack, he’s black, bad ass, only slightly balding and played by Laurence effing Fishburne. I told you this show was good.
OK, now we’re in some crazy hotel somewhere….which is always a bad sign because the show did not display the new location at the bottom right of the screen. Some kinda something is going down. With a show like Hannibal and the sick director/producer mind of David Slade, (Hi @david_a_slade) I am going to guess someone is going to die. And this time, I don’t think it’s sparking vampires.
No sparkling vampires, but definitely heads/faces on fire, as seen by some new character of the week. Weird.
Did I say the opening for this show is amazing? Definitely Blood filled (didn’t I mention David Slade), But it is also artistic. Think blood flying, very Dexter-esque that turns into a blood face man thing. It’s bad ass. Now the show needs some kind of X-Files like, freaky theme song. Then it will have me, forever.
Ahhhh no wonder they did not tell us where they were with the fire head/faces. We now find out they are in Trenton, NJ.–Hey Jamie, We’ve been there!
OK there’s some carved up angel people with chopped up bodies that are are just effed up looking hanging from the hotel ceiling with fishing wire and kneeling at the foot of the bed. You have to see it. It’s gross. So the Trenton Angel killer, killed the people he thought whose heads were on fire, carved them up, slept in the bed below his installation masterpiece and vomited when he couldn’t take his nastiness. Thank you David Slade. I will write you mean Twitter letters when I cannot sleep tonight.
Hughill’s job in this series is to basically take the place of the killer, like possess/profile each killer, like becoming the killer, like literally lay down in the bed where the sick angel carving Trenton killer just slept and imagine the scenario that got the people killed, what the killer was thinking, etc. He’s a psychic FBI profiler who gets into the mind of the killers to solve the crime or some shizz. I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out. But it’s some weird stuff like that. But dammit it is freaky and sick and interesting.
Okay after some hazy possession flashes by Hughill, we flash out of the hotel to a plate of food, and of course I think, “Please don’t let it be Hannibal cooking something, please don’t let it be Hannibal cooking something.” But…it is always Hannibal cooking something, and feeding one of the other “normal” characters and you think to yourself and scream at your TV, “CAN YOU NOT TELL?” Somehow, can’t these people know that there are human fleshy pieces in the food they are ewwing and ahhing over. But they cannot ever tell. UGGHHH
I have to tell you. Hannibal is one artsy foodie. His stuff looks like stuff straight off the Food Network. But even artsier. Yes, I am beginning to wonder if Hannibal is gay….Is that where they are leading us? I think so, the Hannibal from Silence of Lambs certainly had an effeminate side.
Ohhh if this takes place in present day time, which I cannot tell just yet, he could get married in DC. Imagine the food at the Hannibal wedding!! And the guests. Gahhh, Slade would kill it!
Back to the cooking, Gross. So this time Hannibal is making Foie Gras and some other French stuff that we all must always assume is made of someone’s armpit or back or foot. YUCK. He’s serving the food to the Skinner-like character, Jack, aka Lawrence Fishburne (can I call him Jack Fishburne?) and Jack’s wife. Get this….Jack’s wife’s nickname is effing Bella.
Every time ole Hannibal feeds someone anything, it comes with sauce. This is making me always distrust sauce, and is still making me scream, “DON’T EAT THAT! PEOPLE CAN’T YOU SEE?” But no, they can’t. For some reason Bella does not like foie gras and maybe is a vegetarian. Or maybe she knows.
Hannibal decides to get ole Bella drunk with more wine. He then smells her, I mean gets a good whiff and can describe the notes of her perfume. So weird.
Like other CSI like shows, there is a cool mouthy, snarky tech, lab chick who is not afraid of dead stuff and blood. She is looking over the angel bodies from Trenton in the FBI lab. (Where’s Scully y’all?). Hughill having sleepwalked all night is annoyed by the snarky chick and generic tech guy’s banter over Jim Morrison lyrics. Uggh and of course I have to use a gif here. I hate gifs.
Somehow ole Hughill figures out that the Angel Dead people were praying for the Trenton Killer, not to him. Odd. That leads to snarky gal and the lab tech gang to describe the chemical content of the Trenton Hotel killer’s vomit. They of course deduce that the killer has a brain tumor and takes a boat load of drugs. Ahh ha! Now that explains the flaming heads/faces he saw. But not the reason he cut people up to have them pray to or for him.
Back to Hannibal. Now apparently Bella is seeing Hannibal to discuss her therapy or doctor’s visits with some other doctor. Why Bella had to discuss this with Hannibal, who the hell knows. Whatever. I think Hannibal just wants the in on Jack Fishburne’s investigations. Blah blah blah…
Back to Hughill and Hannibal who are going through Hannibal’s book collections regarding the “angel maker” killer. They discuss the profile of the killer, while Hannibal profiles Hughill and pretends this is a joint consult/therapy session. The statements Hannibal make seem like they are trying to alienate Hughill from his Skinner, Jack FIshburne. But as Hughill points this out Hannibal goes back to analyzing the angel killer. The interplay between these two is awesome.
Bella and Jack are in bed, bickering. It’s odd and their bedroom wall paper is hideous. That would make me want to rage as well.
Oh no, back to ole brain tumor, fire head guy in another new place. More angel making. I wonder if he is still in Trenton.
Ohhh eff this, the screen does not confirm Trenton as the location, but does show another angel dead guy. This time it is a guy hanging high up on scaffolding. Snarky gal and the lab tech bunch also find recently severed male genitalia lying near the crime scene. Hughill deduces this is the killers, as he is making himself more angel like by castrating himself. He’s bargaining or some junk. Who knows.
Geez, David Slade, these scenes are going to make me have to watch Dawson’s Creek or some happy shizz before I try to sleep tonight. DAMMIT!
Jack and Hughill throw down, because Jack is afraid to step closer into the killer’s mind. It’s a bit confusing, but he tells Jack that he should try to find the answers if he doesn’t except Hughill’s analysis. Jack gives Hughill the look of death for saying this in front of everyone including snarky gal and her lab bunch. Commercial.
Back to the lab and Snarky Gal. She comments on Hughill’s fierceness with Jack. Apparently people do not yell or challenge Jack. Hmm. So clearly Jack is a Jack hole. Good to know. Maybe Jack deserves all the cannibalistic gourmet foods Hannibal keeps feeding him.
So the lab guys find out that the Angel Maker killer is killing people that are terrible people. Rapists and Killer, etc. The Angel Maker is making angels out of demons. Creeptastic.
Back to Bella at Hannibal’s office. The gist of this therapy session is that Bella has cancer and somehow Hannibal could smell it on her. Hannibal is so weird. Bella has not told Jack about the big C. Hence her bitterness and her separation behavior from her hubby.
Now it’s night time, Hughill can’t sleep. 2am, 5am,….extreme David Slade close up. This time Hughill wakes and finds that he slept walk to the roof of his house (in “Wolf Trap”, VA). His 10 dogs are barking up a storm. Did I tell you Hughill has like 10 dogs? Well he does. When he finds the strays and he brings them all home. It’s adorable. I love it. I may love dogs.
Hughill and Hannibal are back at Hannibal’s office. Hughill is freaked about his sleep walking. They discuss the angel maker and how he can deduce good people from bad. As they discuss this more, Hughill walks to the statue of a large deer stag in Hannibal’s office. Of course we are all to remember the large deer behind Hughill at the beginning of the show and in past shows. Will Hughill figure out that Hannibal is Hannibal and horrible just because of this stag statue? Hmmm….
Hughill cannot get behind the Angel Maker’s pattern. Hannibal tells Hughill he does not have to be destroyed by what is inside his head, i.e. his ability to possess/profile the killers. Then Hannibal smells ole Hughill. Of course he does! He’s looking for cancer in everyone this episode apparently. How nice of him. Hughill notices the smelling of course. Hannibal blames his smelling on Hughill’s offensive after shave.
The FBI deduces from a cancer database (WAIT, there is a cancer data base?), who the Angel Killer is and go to speak to his wife. She describes her killer husband’s behavior as he was diagnosed with cancer and Jack’s lightbulb about his wife and her behavior goes off. This is deep, full circle.
The feelings stuff in this discussion makes Hughill feel uncomfortable. Hughill is not down with feelings talk. He get’s all uncomfortable with feeling stuff. and starts to think more about the Angel Killer.
The wife recalls that Angel Killer Cancer husband had a near death experience as a child where he grew up, in a fire. Jack and Hughill ride out to the farm……where they find ole Angel Killer having killed himself.
Hughill, tells Jack that he doesn’t want to do the possess/profile thing anymore. Jack says he has to in order to save others. Hughill isn’t buying it and Jack lays on the guilt hard. “you wanna quit, then quit,” he says. Ohh crap, the possession flashback thing that Hughill does happens and the Angel killer dude that was hanging from the rafters in the barn, is now walking towards him. GAHH! Commercial. Saved.
Back to freaky angel killer man, who tells Hughill that he can see who he really is, as Hughill’s face is on fire. Freaky. Flash out, and the killer is still hanging in the rafters. So freaky. But ole Jack and Hughill, with the help of Hannibal and snarky gal and the tech gang, have solved another one.
Jack goes off to Hannibal’s to catch up with Bella. They discuss the cancer. It sucks.
Hughill runs into Jack who is sads. Hughill offers to sit next to Jack until he is ready to talk. Hughill is just that kind of guy.
Crap, the next Hannibal epi looks even more freaky. Now it’s Dawson time. Until next week….
Sources: Some photos via NBC.com, featured image via Bekah who saved this photo since 2009 for such occasions. Now’s that’s planning ahead.
Guest Post by @Janetrigs
Janet’s current obsessions: Slightly unsuitable teen dramas, such as Awkward, Teen Mom, and Secret Life of the American Teenager. Also into DietBet, German Shepherds, JLaw, Garret Hedlund. She must wear a helmet to ice skate and hates everything, especially Alzheimer’s.