So a new character popped onto Nashville last week and from the previews for the upcoming episodes, looks like he’s going to be the tension between the otherwise too perfect Scarlett and Gunnar. Of course none of that matters because the only thing I could think was “IT’S LUKE FROM THE OC”
That’s right, the entire time “Will Lexington” and Gunnar were jamming together the only thing I could think of was that scene from the time Luke & the gang went to hear the hipsters-of-2005 (Rooney) and played the guitar backstage: (FYI This video is in Spanish and is STILL funny)
So today I bring you
Reasons why I still love Luke Ward from The OC
I’m gonna take you back.. because he was terrible.. until he became so damn loveable….
Luke was the ultimate douche-bag
*you see what I did there right? Picture of Adam Brody even though this post isn’t about Adam Brody. BOOM
He called Ryan Atwood “Chino”
He always hit on Marissa’s friends
Oh yeah, he also had sex with Marissa’s mom
Then there was everything about that one time where they went to see Rooney
Watch it again
There was also that time when Stefan Salvator showed up and almost shot him at a party
Ah what the hell, here’s another scene with Luke and Seth Cohen
He delivered the all-time best line of the show:
Which means there are BIG hopes for him on Nashville…
Is it too much to hope we get this?
Don’t let us down Nashville version of Luke!
Who else was excited to see “Luke” on Nashville? Are you glad because you’re kinda tired of Scarlett and Gunnar already?