How did I miss this one? It has a strong female lead, supernatural stuff, and basically all the things Netflix points me to! Maybe it’s because I put myself on mandatory SyFy quarantine after a summer of Warehouse 13, Haven, and Sanctuary kind of wore me out.
Anyways, it’s about a succubus–NO DON’T LEAVE!–who doesn’t know who or what she is, and is looking for answers. Oh yea, and because she’s a succubus, she needs the sexytimes to survive. So she’s sloozin’ it up all over town, but boy does she have a heart of gold, you guys.
In a nutshell, here are my reasons to watch:
The Canadian-ness
This is definitely because I went into it knowing it was a Canadian show, but I have to say I appreciate its Canadian origin for a few reasons. First, I don’t recognize anyone. This means that everyone is first and foremost their character, not “that guy” from that other show. Second, their clothes look different. I KNOW, that doesn’t make sense. They have the same clothes in Canada. I’m just saying, they look different. Lastly, some one-liners are a little dirty, a lot hilarious, and might not fly if the show was from the US. I like that.
An atypical love triangle
Main character Bo is torn between a human woman and a wolf-guy (why is that the go-to masculine creature?), and it’s a lot more interesting than if it were two dudes. There are some great scenes with said wolf guy, and according to an interview, he and the actress who plays Bo broke the wall during an…audition. So, there’s that.
A great sidekick
Bo has a sidekick, Kenzi. Kenzi is human, and like the best sidekicks, pretty much steals the show. They have a very realistic friendship (for any show, not just one about succubi), and I like that I’m never worried they are going to cross that line. I haven’t even finished season 1, so I hope I’m correct in that assumption. Kenzi has different hair and a fresh attitude every episode, and provides some much needed sarcasm.
You know, the mythology
I think I officially revoked my fake-nerd card when I learned that the term “fae” was not something this show invented. Fae refers to all powerful creatures, but outside the show, it is (I think) usually used in reference to the fairy world. Oh, no: fae is something that has been around for a long time, which is why in this interview, Anna Silk (Bo) talks about how important it is for the show to get the mythology right. As in, make things accurate. About the creatures. Or the faerie world. I know this because I found THIS: FAE Magazine. I love the Internet.
And with that very odd detour, I urge you to watch Lost Girl. It’s a perfect example of what I like about SyFy shows: they can be ridiculous, over the top, and FUN while having a sense of humor about themselves. There’s something so tongue-in-cheek about the whole show, as if to say “yea, we made a show about a succubus so there could be a lot of naked people.” Well, fine. It also happens to be oddly endearing and hilarious, and I’m hooked.
Have you tried Lost Girl? Are you already a fan? What are some of your favorite SyFy (or just sci-fi/supernatural) shows?