So Nikki just wrapped up a quick hang sesh with Stephenie Meyer, Max Iron, Diane Kruger & Jake Abel at The Grove in Hollywood (By “hang sesh” I mean she waved hi, snapped some shots, shook some hands. Ya now, normal stuff) Check out our twitter account for some exclusive pictures.
While she was hanging with the cast, I was slaving away at my desk finding newsbites for all you fine people like the following:
The Host Premiere on Tuesday 3/19
The world premiere of THE HOST will take place
200 lucky fans will have the opportunity to earn tickets to the premiere screening of THE HOST. The first 200 fans to line up at the Cinerama Dome with a copy of THE HOST novel will receive a ticket to attend the world premiere screening of THE HOST. You must be one of the first 200 people in line AND bring a copy of THE HOST novel to get a ticket to attend the world premiere screening. To clarify, we are not asking that you “turn in” your copy of THE HOST – we just want to see it!
In addition – the first 70 fans in line will receive access to the VIP FAN VIEWING AREA on the red carpet.
Important info:
The fan line begins at 2:00pm PT on Tuesday, March 19. There will be signage at the corner of Sunset Blvd and Ivar Ave. indicating exactly where the line will begin.
Please note – there will not be an opportunity to leave the line before the premiere begins. (Restroom breaks are permitted as long as someone holds your place in line.)
Premiere tickets (access to the premiere) and wristbands (access to the VIP viewing area) will be distributed at approximately 5:30pm PT.
The VIP FAN VIEWING AREA will be opened to those with wristbands at approximately 6:00pm PT.
Fans/attendees must follow the rules and directions of SEM security at all times.
If you are unable to attend the premiere on Tuesday, you can still watch it live! Tune-into for the live stream of the red carpet premiere beginning at 6:30pm PST/9:30pm EST! The live stream will also be viewable on the official Facebook page for THE HOST ( and the official Twitter page (
THE HOST hits theaters March 29, 2013.
That’s Not All
I also found a few other things in my search to bring you the most up-to-date Host info. Including a TN (and internet) favorite: Gifs
This is the moment when Jake & Max learn that someone is writing slash fan fic about them:
No but seriously.. you know someone is (someone please google that)
This is a thing, it is called Jelanie. People ship them:
I ship Max shirtless, which is kinda the same thing
This is another thing. AND YES it makes NO sense. “Jelanie” I get- Jared/Melanie. But O’shea & Wanda? LAME. Should be iWanda. Apple won’t sue:
(For the record I’m pro-Jelanie in the movies, and Team-iWanda in the book)
Then there is THIS SCENE.
Get ready. It’s a memorable one…..
I’m getting excited (well, to see it again) how about you!?