Remember that time at The Host prmiere when we thought we were going to talk to Jake Abel about his bromance with Max Irons and instead he turns it on us and calls us out on our “not amused” faces? Yea, I totally remember it cause it happened on Tuesday and I was NOT expecting it. So yea our little interview at the premiere of The Host Jake Abel took us off our game and it was AWESOME. He also introduced us to a word called “broga” and we’re forever changed.
Jake Abel
Feast your eyes on what was happening at the junket while Jake and Max poured their hearts out to us…
Yup, that’s Hypable, Fangirlish and me That’s Normal being super… (fake) not amused by their jokes. We think we’re really funny.
So does this guy…
Well you guessed it… this deserved to be turned into a GIF.
Ok, so he wins the premiere. But we’ll be ready next time, you can count on that Jake Abel. Everyone, go see The Host March 29th!
Catch up on ALL our coverage of The Host HERE!