We did it again, greasy hair (Bekah’s) and all. Check out what we talked about beneath the video, or watch it here in all its err. glorious-ness:
Talking Normal Episode 2
In case you don’t have 34 minutes to spare, here is a little synopsis of what we talked about, including links where you can skip ahead:
This week on Talking Normal
At 0:35 we have Storytime with Bekah in Spain, where she tells a story of epic proportions of how she was almost at terrorist in Germany (well… kinda)
At 3:55 we get “serious” with a 5 second chat about the new pope. That’s all we need!
At 4:15 we starting talking about hot guys (what else) with a Chat about Justin Timberlake, followed by a convo about Rob Pattinson and his terrible teeth at 5:05.
At 7:40 we thrill the audience with a gossip number about Prince William & Kate Middleton naming their child Renesmee (watch it!) and around 8:55 we discover Nikki looks like Ina Garten. Wrapping up this segment of randomness, at 9:25 we discuss the news of Stephenie Meyer talking about Midnight Sun & her characters.
Since Bekah was away in Spain, Nikki fills her in at 14:35 with news of Last week on That’s Normal. We talk about the Erik Odom Gif wall & Grandpa Odom at 14:45. Then we discuss all the new news about The Host and how Nikki is going to The Host premiere on Tuesday at 17:50. Of course at 18:45 we have to discuss inappropriate questions to ask The Host Cast members.
Then we wrap it all up with a convo starting at 22:30 about What we’re obsessed with right now. Hint: We like to work out.
Thanks for watching! We loved your feedback last week. Is there something we need to be discussing? Tell us in the comments!
Until next week!