It’s not politics (SNOOOZZEEEE FESTTTT) and it’s not religion (unless you count the section where we discuss Plus One), but it is basically how and why we started LTT and now the That’s Normal blog- just two pals, sitting around ignoring the mountains of laundry, bills to be paid and phone calls to return, just so that we can talk about stuff we’re obsessing over. Cause, that’s normal, right? RIGHT?
Here is our first episode of Talking Normal (which was live on Wednesday 2/27/13) (look below the vid to jump to different sections)
Talking Normal Episode 1
1:22 We talk Best/Worst Dressed at the Oscars
2:55 We go there- and talk about Kristen Stewart
4:15 Jennifer Lawrence’s team better be popping Champagne
6:38 Anne Hathaway and her dream that came true
8:40 Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD is coming out (and we’re not so closeted Twilight fans)
10:30 Show & Tell with Nikki
15:10 This week on That’s Normal
15:30 AARON TVEIT (need we say more?)
19:05 Elise wrote an amazing KStew Breakup Post
21:20 Nikki confesses how many times she’s seen Plus One (the Christian boy band) in concert
24:40 The Host — Max Irons and Jake Abel ughhhhh