The show is a spin off of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It follows Lisa Vanderpump from RHOBH and her restaurant SUR in West Hollywood. Basically, every stereotype that you think about L.A – beautiful people everywhere, every server in every restaurant is trying to become a star, most of the people are ditzy – are realized in this show.
The breakout “star” of the show is Stassi Schroeder. She’s the queen bee of the Sur staff and what she says goes. The season starts out with Stassi hating on Scheana Marie and getting her lemmings to hate on her too. Pure high school. Scheana is wrapped up in the Eddie Cibrian drama. Scheana was dating Eddie before he starting doing LeAnn Rimes all while he was still married. Oh LeAnn, there’s a 100% chance of him cheating on you too, but that’s a post for another day. So Stassi founds out that Scheana was with Eddie while he was married. Naturally, Stassi takes the higher moral ground by making Scheana’s life miserable at Sur. Only one thing can happen from this scenario: they are sure to be besties by the end.
The rest of the season follows the increasingly insecure Stassi as she fights with her boyfriend of 2 years, Jax. It’s evident from the start that it won’t end well, but I needed more. I unabashedly enjoy watching them fight, gossip, and be sweet (that’s rare). SPOILER ALERT – even when they break up, and they both spiral out of control dating other crazies from SUR (does modeling/acting make you certifiable? This show could be a case study). The best part, most of this happens AT the restaurant. I can’t decide if these people are just that rude to their fellow coworkers who end up covering shifts as they can’t stop crying, or if Bravo insists they wait to have conversations until they are at work so they can capture all.
This show is like pure CRACK. And because I’m a pusher, I’m pushing you all to watch it On Demand, or online or wherever you can find it. Do it quick, because the reunion show is on next week. I’m thinking TV GOLD.
Have I convinced you to watch?? *pushes*