I know. You’re shocked. You think I grew up as a weirdo without a TV or access to movies. You can’t believe someone could live to be almost 30 without seeing that movie. Everyone is always shocked. It’s the biggest joke among my group of friends that one day they’re going to tie me to a chair, turn on the TV and force me to watch the movie. But in my defense, they’ve been joking about this for years, and no one has done it yet.
Which is exactly why I’ve never seen it. WHEN is the last time you were sitting around with a bunch of pals and said, “Hey guys! Let’s Watch Forrest Gump!”? NEVER, right?
So I missed it when it was out in the theatres. I was probably a little too young and a little too obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio. [Actually I just looked it up- the movie came out when I was 11 and still playing with Barbies secretly, so Leo hadn’t even entered the picture yet] and then when everyone was watching it on DVD I wasn’t around either. [Too busy sneaking into my mom’s bathroom to steal her tweezers to take care of my impending unibrow] And that’s the last time anyone has ever watched Forrest Gump.
ADMIT IT! You are sitting there thinking its SO STRANGE I haven’t seen Forrest Gump, but the last time you watched it was probably when you came upon it playing on TV and you started 30 minutes from the end. I can’t watch it then! No one is watching Forrest Gump anymore. The Forrest Gump DVD is currently sitting 10 feet from me in my house, I don’t think my husband has ever watched it in the 10 years we’ve been together.
I’m like a unicorn– a girl who has never seen Forrest Gump. How can it be? Well, all those reasons above are how it can be, and at this point I want to keep it that way. Having never seen Forrest Gump has kinda become my “thing.” Like I have brown eyes, curly hair & wear a size 7.5 shoe:
I’m Bekah: I love cats, have 3 younger sisters & I’ve never seen Forrest Gump.
[Oh.. and while I’m confessing things: I’ve never seen Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia or that movie where he befriends a volleyball either (Castaway). Maybe I have a subconscious issue with Tom Hanks. Except for him in “That Thing you Do.” The best movie ever]
Are you underwhelmed with my confession? Totally understandable, right? Tell the truth– when is the LAST TIME you watched Forrest Gump start to finish?