Despite the photo below where I was in change of signing up for our pinterest page (and sorta weeded out all the normal people to follow and forgot to add non geeky stuff back in) I am the WORST NERD. Okay maybe not the worst, but I am late to the party 80% of the time and I get flack from my nerdy/geeky friends.
There are probably SO many ways that I am behind the times of the fun pop culture/nerdy/geeky books/TV/movies/web, but I’ll start with some of my major blunders:
Exhibit A: The GUILD
I once asked an innocent question of a Twitter friend, what was The Guild and why does she own so many shirts of this thing? Little did I know that I was missing this cult hit web show developed by Felicia Day (of the other hit web series fame, Dr. Horrible). The Guild follows a group of multiplayer online role-playing gamers who went from strictly online friends to becoming too involved in each others lives. Not all the players live in their parents’ basement like you would expect, each is different. I finally watched all of the webisodes this past June and was totally ready to bump into my favorite Guild actors at Comic Con. My Personal favorite is Clara, the stay-at-home mom whose little kids are left to fend for themselves while she gets her gaming on with a blasé, adorable, indifference (sorta how I picture most of the Twi-moms – I kid, I kid…). So hey, only 4 years late to this party… sue me.
Exhibit B: Battlestar Galactica
In my defense, I thought this show was Babylon 5 and did not really understand why people were still so into it. Cut to two summers ago where I pretty much did exactly this:
If my friends ever wonder why I don’t respond to emails, Facebook, or tweets, I’m usually binge-watching something on Netflix (it’s pure evil, I tell you). Seriously though, BSG is that good and I was the last of my nerdy friends to watch it. Starbuck would be totally disappointed in me.
Exhibit C: H.P. Lovecraft
Wasn’t this the guy that found a way to open a door to Purgatory? No…that was just an episode of Supernatural? I know this dude wrote stories back in the day and started the Cosmic Horror genre. I have a vague idea of Cosmic Horror having to do with human morals not extending through the universe. Yeah, I’m still lost on this one and do not understand ANY of the tee-shirts on or when it has anything remotely to do with this author and his stories. I’m pretty sure that I’m okay with this. I mean how much nerdy stuff can one girl fit in her head?
What is the consensus: Does it REALLY matter when you discover a book/movie/tv show? Can you explain HP Lovecraft’s writings to me? Have you watched the Guild or Battlestar Galatica? Am I the WORST nerd?
Source for BSG photo, H.P. Lovecraft