Happy Christmas to all celebrating today!
I kindly volunteered to do today’s post wanting to give the rest of the TN family the day off. I mean, they must have two jam-packed days full of nativities, caroling, cooking, visiting Santa, trimming the tree, and test driving that new car! Unless, TV, Movies and commercials lie about Christmas, this Jewish girl totally knows what goes down this holiday.
Christmas Eve Day
Visiting Santa at the Mall/Department store – the kids insist because Santa has to know exactly which gift they are expecting (Red Ryder BB Gun for your big boy!) Extra bonus, the big slide after pictures with Santa.
- Christmas Pageant at School – Doesn’t this always happy right on Xmas Eve day? I bet the best part is the Christmas Octopus, kids must fight over that role in the nativity scene. The finale of the pageant is a rousing edition of All I want for Christmas is You, by one of the extremely talented, almost made it onto X-factor, little girl from the school. Every other year, a couple is caught kissing behind the curtain. Oh, that crazy Uncle!
- Trimming the Tree – Don’t all families wait until the day before to trim the tree? Isn’t this also when you gift that special hallmark ornament that you know he/she will love? I mean, those Peanut characters really know how to express your personality!
- Thanksgiving-like feast – Somehow, between all the events of the day and last minute shopping, (did you remember that gift for the postman?) the Turkey is cooked to perfection!
- Christmas Carols – After dinner, the entire family puts on their Christmas hats and scarves and joins the neighborhood troubadours for
some most excellent carols in 4-part harmonies. How does Mr. Warren, head of the neighborhood watch, hit those falsetto notes?!
- Red Hot Love Beads – the kids are in bed, the presents are under the tree, cookies are out for Santa, and the husband surprises the wife with a special little box. Nothing says I love you like a Pandora bracelet (He got it at Jarrods!)
Christmas Day
Stocking Stuffers – The kids are allowed to look at their stockings first before Mom and Dad wake up. It’s not just candy, but all those handy “Stocking Stuffers for under $50.”
- Bunny Pajamas – That Aunt Gert sends the best gifts to the kids, last year it was those fun sweaters and this year it’s pink Bunny pajamas…even for the boys!
- Surprise in the Driveway – Who could that be at the door? SURPRISE, the Mr. has bought the Mrs. a brand new car (bet it’s a Lexus) with a beautiful big red bow on top.
- Church – Not usually seen in the movies or TV, but I have heard this happens on this day.
- Ham – Since no one was up until 4am wrapping presents, the family has the prefect Christmas Ham ready to go. Good thing, because 25 close family members just showed up at the door.
- Sleeping Angels – the kids, exhausted with the day’s activities and all the thousands of dollars in toys fall asleep under the Christmas tree, like the true gifts that they are.
Hmm, I think that I may watch too much TV…nah, never.
If you are wondering what I will be doing to day, let this sign speak for me:
How will you really be spending today? Did you get your red hot love beads? What other misconceptions about the holiday do TVs/Movies/Commercial propagate?
Sources: Christmas Octopus, Christmas Caroling, Stocking Stuffers