Recently, I came upon The Abnormal Beauty Company. I’m really not sure how I found them, but I’m really glad I did. My first time visiting their website, I was both confused and incredulous. The confusion stemmed from the incredible number and types of skin potions plus the variety of sub-companies. (Most of my purchases have been in The Ordinary tab.) The incredulity came from the prices. Most of their serums are under $10, with many in the $6-8 range. And the one makeup item in The Ordinary is a foundation that costs $6.90!
The way it’s set up, you tailor the potions/ingredients you use to your own skin care needs. So, for example, a person with acne would choose an entirely different series of products than someone with dry skin. You can choose as many or as few products as you like within a suggested skin care regime. I found myself ordering willy-nilly, and I wound up with so many products that I wrote them an email asking which products I should use when, in what order, and in what combination. You know what? They wrote back and straightened me right out.
Because a lot of the products happen to be pretty pure, some are not recommended for sensitive skin. Let your skin be your guide, or ask for help. Don’t be like me and order before you figure out what you need! I also love the packaging of the products – many are in glass vials with droppers so you can keep your dirty paws out of the product and only dispense a drop or two at a time.
Recently, I came across a video on (who carry many of the products) by the British beauty blogger and makeup artist, Wayne Goss. He helpfully lays out his top 5 products from The Ordinary.
Apparently, pricing and products like these aren’t normal, and as a result, they are frequently out of stock on some of their more popular items. Moreover, due to the overwhelming demand of their products, they have had to continually enlarge and expand their production facilities. Recently, the Estee Lauder Company has decided to invest in Deciem, but The Abnormal Beauty Company assures us that they are silent investors who are not influencing their business model.
Anyway, gtg. I have a skin care regime to deal with!
Written by Roseanne
Roseanne Leto is a 25-year veteran of the TV industry. She has been head of East Coast Programming and Development for CBS, an Associate in Programs at NBC, and a Producer of many TV movies. When it comes to TV, she is picky, picky, picky, and despite her years in TV, Charles Dickens is still her bae. Follow her on Twitter @roxlet