I guess she’s pretty popular. I had heard she was a pretty ballsy feminist, but that’s all I knew.
In the movie, she begins by declaring how independent she is, she doesn’t believe in monogamy, likes to have a good time and is happy in her single life. She seems completely in control of her lifestyle choices. She’s a very recognizable character. I think we all have a friend like this.-Kind of wild, but self-assured and living every day like it’s a party. Maybe it’s you….
No, it’s not you. You’re the friend that sits at home reading blogs.
But if that is your lifestyle, get it gurl! And if you’re more the blog and knitting type, that’s great too. You and me both.
I’m just so glad they are starting to make comedies for women. For a while we only had Mean Girls. And then 4 years later we got Baby Mama, and finally Bridesmaids three years after that. We can add Trainwreck to our girls’ night itineraries now as well! Where mens’ comedies have poop jokes, we get tampon jokes. Where mens’ comedies have a lot of boobs, we get a lot of male butts. And Amy smashed gender stereotypes like a boss.
Amy’s approach to life is a result of her dad’s beliefs. She and her father are a lot alike. Her sister, on the other hand, is married with a step-son. What a crazy, wacky lifestyle choice she made, right? Amy thinks so, until she meets her geeky new man who has his life together. You’ll have to find out if she decides to change her ways for him or not. Bet you can’t guess that one!
Throughout this movie I didn’t judge Amy for her promiscuity or for being an abrasive woman. Even through her mean-spirited moments, I still liked her. I only judged 2 things she did in this whole movie. The first was when Amy sleeps with Bill Hadler’s character for the first time and DOESN’T USE A CONDOM. I found this extremely improbable. By now she’s a professional and should know how to protect herself. She’s going to contract 10 types of chlamydia that way! (I’m just kidding. She’ll probably only get one type.) The second time was when she decides to change her life and become a better person only to leave the TV on when she leaves the house. Seriously, what kind of sick person does that??!
Utilities are expensive.
Aside from these MAJOR flaws, it was a great movie and you will be laughing 80% of the time, crying 15% of the time, and trying to get popcorn kernels out of your teeth the other 5% of the time. At least that’s how it went for me. Let me know what you think of Trainwreck and if you also felt complete rage at her leaving her TV on.
Can you think of any more lady comedies for girls’ night or do you agree they are seriously lacking in that department?
Trainwreck is in theaters next Friday, July 17th!
Written by Marietta
Current Obsessions: Clowders (technical name for a gang of feral cats), finding the world’s best mac n’ cheese, Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls, Girls, (basically any TV show with the word “girls” in it), Harry Potter, travel, arts, and old lady crafts.