Of course the Daleks and Cybermen are quintessential villains, but I’m not including them in my list because they are too iconic to be properly scary at this point (for me at least; I know some people who still cannot handle the Cybermen).
4. The Silence
No longer quite as scary since we know the truth behind their existence is entirely one of peaceful usefulness (they’re the person you confess to in the Church of the Silence), when these creatures first emerged in the Series 6 2-episode premiere, they were so freaking scary! Something that can put ideas into your consciousness and then make you forget you ever saw them? No thanks! And that super creepy orphanage sequence? I can’t even watch that scene where Amy looks in the window and sees all the tally marks on her face in the reflection.
3. Weeping Angels
Remember “Blink” when the angels first arrived, back when Carey Mulligan had long hair and we all just knew her from Pride & Prejudice? That was some serious scary. Then the re-invention of them in Time of Angels… I loved that they were this army coming back to life that just killed and took the bodies. Also that the image of an angel becomes an angel… I can’t believe they sell ANY weeping angel toys after that revelation!
2. The Peg Dolls
“Don’t run away! We want to play!” OH MY GOD. So creepy. Anything that can turn you into wood or stone or nothingness with just a touch or a look is too much for me! Like the Basilisk in Harry Potter. No Thanks. Then combine that with awkwardly proportioned dolls?! Inside a little boy’s mind?! It’s like nightmare inducing Goosebumps book.
1. Vashta Nerada
Live in shadows and swarm like piranhas? Yikes! They can eat all the flesh off your bones faster than a router will slice off your finger into a million pieces. Just step in the wrong space and chow time!! Then they posess the dead human forms and chase you?! Ugggh. Why do these things even exist?!
Four scary monsters, four days left until a new Who. Which monsters scare you the most?