My first few experiences with audiobooks were library rentals on my first generation ipad. I was quite excited to listen while I cleaned, did dishes, took a shower or bath. I had such high hopes! Unfortunately, my first audiobook selections were duds. I had already read the 5 original books of the Fever Series several times and thought I’d give the audiobooks a go. WORST decision ever. The Mac I had crafted in my imagination slowly morphed into a “Designing Woman.” Having many southern friends made through fandom, I knew a young 20-something Mac in no way sounded like a Sugarbaker (for those too young for this reference, google away my friends, google away.) This completely pulled me out of the story and I swore off audiobooks for a while.
Cut to 2013, when I was packing up my apartment and leaving Philadelphia for New Jersey (this is how most “Snapped” Tv shows episodes begin) and needed something to pass the time. Enter Audible and the 30-day free trial. There had to be better audiobooks out there and I was determined to find them!
Mindy Kaling was my first.
Somehow, I know that I am not the only person who has uttered that statement. ::Cue drum:: I listened to Mindy narrate her own book. This was fun. I got stuff done, I laughed, I could use my hands and walk around freely. THIS COULD BE USEFUL. She helped me get through a tedious chore with a big smile on my face. With an awfully terrible commute in my future, I knew audible would come in handy, especially with Boozy book club just getting started…
Could they just talk a little faster?
Through the first few audiobook titles, I played around with the speed setting. I knew that I could read faster than the narrator was speaking. Perhaps, they could just read a bit more like a parent reading the same bedtime story for the 4th time that evening? I mean, or at least speed up the non-dialogue? I found out that adjusting the speed settings puts me on edge, made me tense and deepened my frown lines.
Finally, I decided that I had to slow down and actually enjoy the books. It wasn’t a race. In fact, I found that I was absorbing more of the story and details of the story than ever before. I discovered that I am a totally impatient reader and will skim long descriptions until I get to action. Listening to the audiobook had me appreciating books like I had never before!
This is going to be a problem
At first I tried to save my audible credits for Boozy Book Club selections, but more often than not, there was a second book in a series, or something else that I was dying to read. I noticed that older books (more than a year old) tended to be less expensive and hey, is that audiobook cheaper when I have already downloaded the ebook? YESSSS.
The kindle and audible app sync when I switch between them? It knows where I left off and picks up accordingly?
What is this sorcery?!
Somehow I went from occasionally downloading the audiobook, to almost always downloading the audiobook (who has time not to multitask?) to only listening to the audiobook.
A monster was created
Sometimes I don’t even open the kindle app. I purchase additional credits (I swear, it’s a deal!) and I just sit and listen for hours (dishes, be damned!) Am I lazy? Do I just enjoy the velvety voice of the narrator? Is this the equivalent to people just sitting a listening to records? Can my wallet handle this addiction?
I’m a Pusher
Have I told you how awesome The Diviners by Libba Bray audiobook is? It is one thing to read the roaring twenties dialogue, but it is a whole other thing to hear it. The narrator brings these characters to life. I felt as though I had watched a movie, or a TV series, I had the most vivid impression of these characters…all from the narration. I mean, there are different style voices from the 20s because people have different backgrounds, educations, accents and the publishers made an insanely smart choice in their voice actor/narrator. In other words, you should totally listen to this audiobook even if you already read the book. See, I’m a total pusher. AND HOW!
My Audiobook Library is Extensive
I have around 60 titles? Yes, I could do more through the library, but then I wouldn’t have the option of syncing with my ebook (which I likely won’t even open.)
The struggle is real.
Do you listen to audiobooks? What are some of your favorites?