With all the sleepy eyed conviction, bored voice, questionable CGI of the original and beautiful wigs of the real Kristen Stewart, this Sesame Street spin on Twilight Breaking Dawn is pretty dang close to the original. Jacob is a rat looking wolf obsessed with baking called Bakob and Edward is the Cookie Monster known as Shortbreadward with a self-control problem. YUP, our overly controlled, stoic Edward has a problem with eating ALLLLLL the cookies. Innuendo for something other than uh, cookies? We’ll let you read into it however you want but you know what we’d say.
If you don’t laugh super hard at the running/flying special effect, Bella/Belly looking like she’s rather take a nap, Shortbreadward jumping off waterwalls, or the violin slash electric guitar score, you have forgotten your roots people. Cause IT’S ALL THERE. Let’s just let the people at Sesame Street create these new #TwilightStories short films and forget the whole Women in Film making cool short films about some of our fave characters, cause they’ve nailed it.
Still laughing about it guys. Seriously, I am.
Would you watch a Twilight Sesame Street mash up every day on your local PBS channel? YES PLEASE.
Thanks to everyone who sent this to us, tagged us, Tweeted us. We love it!